Too busy to cook? Well, just put these four ingredients in the oven and forget about it. I like to use London broil. Great served over noodles! Try adding...
This is a wonderful and simple recipe from my German Mother. I usually make this soup a day before serving since it tastes better the day after making...
I made my own version of this recipe after eating it at a restaurant. The mixture of ingredients seems a little peculiar, but trust me, they work wonderfully...
With the convenience of boneless, skinless chicken thighs, you can have your dinner cooked in right about an hour, start to finish! Starting on the stovetop...
This is an EASY recipe. My son doesn't like cabbage but will eat this like crazy. You can make it low-fat by using ground turkey and low-fat sausage. They...
Stumbled upon this chicken stew through a little experimentation. It's hot, hearty, and simple. Try serving with biscuits or bread. Tasty stew for the...
Moqueca baiana is a rich seafood stew from Brazil, reminiscent of a mild curry but not made from a spice paste base. This recipe is for the Afro-Brazilian...
This quick skillet stew may remind you of gumbo, if you serve it with a mound of white rice. Start the chicken first, so the fresh flavors of okra, corn,...
My family loves this on a cool crisp fall day. I adjust the heat level by adjusting the hot sauce used. As submitted, it's safe for the little taste buds....
I made this chicken stew on a cold autumn night when I had an excess of fresh apples. The apple adds a sweet, pleasant flavor which complements the root...
This simple squash and sausage stew represents my idea of the perfect summer supper. It's very comforting, relatively fast, wonderfully flavorful, and...
This is a delicious Turkish dish that was created for American palates close to the military base. The recipe for tava does not have to be exact, you can...
During the pandemic of the Coronavirus and the stay-at-home order, I have been trying different ways of cooking pork shoulder. Hubby and I cook together...
Goat meat marinated in a sauce with ancho chiles and spices, then slowly braised until soft. This traditional dish known as birria is always accompanied...
Pay attention to the cut of lamb used in this recipe. I used lamb shoulder chops, which are a fantastic value, when you consider flavor, useable meat,...
A version of feijoada from Northeastern Brazil. Feijoada is a dish made throughout Brazil, and there are many versions, but this recipe is the most common...
A favourite at our house - a yummy rich goulash minus the meat. You can substitute the Quorn™ for tofu that's been shallow fried or sliced mushrooms....
A delicious, nutritious stew that will delight vegans, vegetarians, or meat-eaters alike. Everything goes in the slow cooker, and you'll have a delicious...