A wonderful, tasty summer stew. My mom always made this for us in the summer - I loved it then and I love it now! Serve topped with freshly grated Parmesan...
One of our consistent favorites. This dish has a perfect balance of flavors and can be altered with whatever veggies you have on hand. Garnish with feta...
The bold flavors of this simple stew come together quickly in a pressure cooker, and you can use it to make tacos, burritos, chimichangas, tostadas, quesadillas,...
This is a recipe handed down from my grandmother to my father. It's a very unique creamy white-sauce goulash that takes about 20 minutes to make. A real...
Bamya bil lahme originated in Egypt thousands of years ago. It is made with lamb or beef. This is the recipe as taught to me by my Egyptian mother-in-law...
Have you ever planned on making stew for dinner but forgot to take the meat out of the freezer? This happens to me all the time so I developed this beef...
This is a super easy gumbo. Smoked turkey may be substituted for the ham. Tastes even better the next day! Top with cooked rice and garnish with parsley...
This easy meal using the slow cooker combines stew beef and pineapple for a wonderful sweet and sour dish that is delicious served on a bed of steamed...
I first had this served over egg noodles, but served with rice is just as nice. This recipe was introduced to me by a Cuban friend when I was seven years...
This goulash recipe is a classic German/Austrian goulash recipe where the beef is cooked very slowly mostly in its own juices. It needs to cook for a while,...
For a new version of the favorite dish, try this jambalaya soup that comes with flavorful additions that are sure to keep you warm on cold days. Serve...
This delicious beef stew combines elements of a traditional American beef and barley stew with those of the classic French boeuf bourguignon. I created...
It's hard to find the whey needed to make 'real' mensaf. It comes in a rocklike form and is diluted and used in place of the jameed in this recipe. Even...
This is a simple oxtail stew I've made every year for my daughter's birthday since she was four (she's 26 now). I never really found a recipe for it -...
Ground beef stew is an amazing, comforting, and easy stew that is great for busy weeknights or really any night of the week! Flavorful and rich ground...
This is a yummy stew . . . you can omit the veggies, and just put it over rice or bread. It is a snap to make, and very versatile! You can use different...
This is a very hot and spicy gumbo, but a healthier version. It takes time, patience, love, and devotion. My husband and dad love this dish and will eat...
I modified my mother's chicken and sausage gumbo recipe to make it gluten-free. Good gumbo is hard to find for my friend with a wheat allergy. The wheat...
This recipe is a family favorite for those busy evenings when you want comfort food, but don't have the time to simmer it all day. Serve over rice, pasta,...
This nutritious soup takes inspiration from the flavors of Spain. Garnish with store-bought (or homemade) harissa to add heat or garnish with a sprinkling...
Feijoada is a traditional Brazilian black bean stew which can incorporate as many as 15 types of meat, including tongue (lingua), beef (carne de vaca)...
A favorite in the dorms, this easy to prepare soup is the spicy college counterpart to the bowl of instant noodles. It is delicious served with cooked...
Jamaican goat curry that will have you coming back for more. The meat is so tender it melts in your mouth. You can adjust the heat by using more or less...
There's nothing like a big, steaming bowl of comfort food to make everything seem all right, and this dark but delightful black lentil stew with sausage...
This is a Scottish dish that is traditionally a thick soup. I prefer it as a thin stew and have adapted my recipe accordingly. I use the entire leek (needs...