Do you know how to cook frog legs? This ingredient might be controversial but also highly delicious! Here's my favorite frog legs recipe with garlic...
Choose from a classic pink Marie Rose / Thousand Island sauce, Tartare, Seafood Cocktail Sauce, a Thai Sweet Chilli Lime Sauce for something fresher (not...
Healthy, tasty Italian styled Rice Salad. Vegetarian friendly as it is or you can add cooked pancetta, tuna or mozzarella in the last step to make it more...
Celebrating one of Germany's most famous "superfoods", Sauerkraut, this wonderful soup is satisfying to both tummy and soul. The combination of tangy sauerkraut,...
Thai Scallops make a quick and easy dinner that would be perfect for a date night dinner or Valentine's meal. They are quick to cook but taste like you...
My Delicious and Easy Tuna Dip is creamy, full of flavour and takes just minutes to prepare! When a homemade dip is this simple and tasty, there is no...
Try a new way to use chorizo, with these fabulous croquetas served with garlic mayonnaise. They require a little effort, but make a great starter or party...
Possibly the easiest recipe for fishcakes you will ever find, these Easy Salmon Fishcakes take just 30 minutes to make, and only 15 minutes if you use...
Impress guests with this vibrant vegan starter. Plant-based soft cheese, herbs and beetroot combine to make the terrine, topped with a walnut brittle for...
VIDEO ABOVE. This is a super easy way to make gnocchi and the secret ingredient is ricotta which keeps the gnocchi soft and pillowy inside. Much easier...
This is one of my greatest secret weapons for gatherings. It looks fantastic, you don't need to use an expensive brie for this, it's adaptable to your...
Recipe video above. Everybody's favourite Spring Rolls, made at home! Nothing like the ones at suburban Chinese takeout joints with unidentifiable mushy...
This fresh, seasonal dish with cured salmon and citrus fruit is as delicious as it is pretty on the plate. Delicately When it comes to Christmas starters,...
This dish is an unmissable classic of Peruvian cuisine that is a perfect combination of many of Peru's usual culinary suspects: ají amarillo (the yellow...
Here are 6 easy recipes for cooked lobster or crayfish that make the most of this luxury seafood! When you buy pre-cooked lobster, it's best to keep...
Giant beans, aka gigantes (GHEE-ghan-tez), are a classic Greek ingredient and popular in Greek recipes from every part of the country. This Greek bean...
Miso Eggplant, also known as Nasu Dengaku, is a Japanese eggplant starter recipe. Simply halve the eggplants, bake them, glaze with miso and grill. Serve...
Aloo Paratha is a very popular breakfast dish in India. The beauty of this recipe is how flexible it is - there are so many options and variations you...
This retro-stuffed grilled calamari is a taverna classic and one often found in the seaside fish eateries along the Athenian Riviera. You can use frozen...