Buffalo Cauliflower Wings that are baked not fried, super crispy, vegan and gluten free! The perfect spicy appetizer snack bites for game day or any day!...
This make-ahead recipe abbreviates the waiting time of ordinary potato salad and offers flavorful, tender potatoes and crunchy bits of onion and celery,...
Make homemade easy vegan ramen soup in minutes with this vegan ramen seasoning packet! No oil, less sodium and no additives like the commercial store brands....
This crispy smashed potatoes recipe is full of flavor, and the perfect side dish for any occasion! Load these air fryer roast potatoes up with fresh garlic,...
This risotto alla Milanese, from Lidia Bastianich, is a classic Italian recipe made with Arborio rice, beef stock, saffron, onions, shallots, butter, white...
Caramelizing the onions adds a natural sweetness to this quiche. The custardy texture and flavor mimic a dairy quiche. It's so good, we even ate it cold!...
As a registered dietician and nutritionist, my sister Tamar is always fooling around with veggies to come up with new and enticing ideas for her clients....
I like marinating tofu strips in this delicious slightly sweet, mustard seasoning.. These can be whipped up quickly, but you can also store the fingers...
Not only are these just as impressive as store-bought-for a fraction of the cost-and you can customize which root veggies you use. You could include purple...
A nice creamy alfredo sauce that is easy to through together...much better than a bag of mix made with all powdered ingredients right? This recipe is VERY...
When you need a fast chicken meal, this Mar Far Chicken Recipe is ideal. It's simple to make and you can add any toppings you like (tomato and/or pepper)...
Cauliflower rice and Mexican seasonings transform plain cauliflower rice into a savory keto Mexican rice. This low fat, low calorie, low carb, and dairy...
Beans, or Edamame, are a quick and easy, protein-packed snack or appetizer, and today we'll see Costco Edamame Instructions. You can cook them up quickly...
These sauteed Sweet Peas with Onions and Capers are easily simmered with extra-virgin olive oil until they are caramelized and tender to perfection! So...
Classic macaroni and tomatoes is the budget friendly dish that has been around for generations. Keep it simple as a side dish or jazz it up and make it...
Ina Garten Roasted Red Potatoes are covered with garlic, herbs, and parmesan cheese before being roasted to golden brown perfection in the oven. A simple...
This easy, homemade stuffing recipe is made from scratch with croutons and loaded with flavor thanks to all the savories and cranberries. It's baked in...
These Trader Joe's Langostino Tails were caught in the wild, but the label does not appear to state that. However, after a brief absence, Trader Joe's...
Tender black beans with sauteed peppers, aromatics, and a dash of vinegar. This is a classic Cuban dish, prepared in a snap with canned instead of dried...