English Muffin Tuna Melts! If you've got the fixins for tuna salad, some cheese, and a few English Muffins, you've got dinner. With any luck, you've...
This classic BLT sandwich is a great go to recipe for a quick lunch that the whole family will love. Crisp lettuce, bacon and juicy tomatoes are sandwiched...
"This is a play on English cucumber finger sandwiches," says Kinch, who roasts the cucumbers to deepen their flavor. "It also works fantastically on the...
Make the perfect Smashburger - a thin beef patty with a caramelized, crispy crust topped with cheese and all the fixings - at home! All you need is your...
Enjoy the ease of this one-pot Italian beef roast that's fork-tender and perfect for Sunday dinner or weekday light meals! This is a family favorite...
This bread machine chocolate chip bread recipe allows you to create a delicious chocolaty sandwich bread... perfect for kids! FYI - We had a lot of leftover...