Here is an easy, springtime recipe that takes no time at all and puts the light flavors of the season right onto your table. Cooking time is key: both...
There's really no secret to making excellent sautéed greens: just good olive oil, salt, loads of garlic and a jolt of red pepper flakes. This method works...
Writing in 1991, Jacques Pépin talked of his love of asparagus, stemming back to his childhood in France. His approach to the vegetable is as uncomplicated...
This recipe came to The Times in 2003 from Suzanne Goin, the Los Angeles restaurateur whose braised vegetables are a hallmark of her cuisine. It is a marvelously...
A shower of lemon zest and black mustard seeds on a fast sauté of hashed brussels sprouts makes a traditional side dish with unexpected, bright flavors....
Homemade hot Italian fennel sausage isn't a chore. Lightly browned and crumbled, this pork sausage makes a terrific topping for pizza or an addition to...
I was once amazed to find I could use frozen red and yellow bell pepper strips straight from the package. (I am aware that this is not a revelation to...
This recipe, from the restaurant Balaboosta in New York, came to The Times in 2010 as part of a roundup of restaurant Thanksgiving dinners, but it can...
Don't throw all those Swiss-chard stems away. Not everyone is a fan of including them with sautéed greens, but here's a plan for the rest of us who love...
Those who have eaten at Buvette, the West Village restaurant from which the recipe for this dish is adapted, will understand that if the home-cooked version...
This recipe calls for braising the humble carrot in olive oil and garlic, then seasoning with toasted cumin and red pepper. They taste good hot or at room...
To make theses biscuits into shortcakes, just split the biscuits, spoon on your favorite fruit (either sugared or plain), and dollop with whipped cream....
Cabbage is rarely a side dish on its own, but it is in this recipe. It takes on some Indian flavor with caraway seeds and the garam masala, and it maintains...
The narrow spectrum of highly sweetened morning food is limiting and ultimately boring. This coconut oat pilaf, which most folks might think of as an evening...
This recipe from 1992 was ahead of the curve on the kale trend. It gives a good basic preparation for this now ubiquitous leafy green: trim, blanch, drain,...
Here's a unique twist on the traditional German potato salad adapted from Torrisi Italian Specialties, a now shuttered Manhattan restaurant known for its...
This recipe comes from a spring holiday dinner party that Mark Bittman and Sam Sifton prepared in Charleston, S.C. Cook the shrimp on the stove with olive...
These days, I would like some side dishes that add interest to the otherwise relatively bland (and unrelentingly rich) Thanksgiving table. I want vegetables...
A shower of lemon zest and black mustard seeds on a fast sauté of hashed brussels sprouts makes a traditional side dish with unexpected, bright flavors....