This is one meal to impress dinner guests that will not break the bank nor will it take very much time! Served with a green salad, red potatoes, and asparagus,...
For perfectly prepared pork chops (preferably bone-in) you must brine them for at least 1 to 2 hours and pick chops that are at least 1/2 to 1-inch thick....
This traditional recipe is from the area of Northern China. Wonton wrappers are stuffed with finely chopped vegetables and pork, then fried and served...
This was a favorite recipe of our Mom's for Sunday dinner. We all loved it, and I'm sure you will too. Ground ham is formed into a meatloaf and baked in...
I got this recipe from Cooking Class Chinese Cookbook. This recipe tastes exactly like the pork in Chinese restaurants. My family loved it. I used it in...
Plan ahead the pork needs to marinade for a minimum of 8-24 hours, if you are using wooden skewers soak them in water for at least 30 minutes before threading...
A quick, easy, and flavorful fresh pasta dish that showcases the summer's garden bounty! This recipe came about in an effort to use up a few more of those...
I found this recipe by Nagi on a site called "Made with ingredients you already have in your pantry.....slathered in a country style...
When shopping for this recipe be sure to choose plums (or any other stone fruit) that are fairly firm so they keep their shape after roasting. You know...
This is an easy but really tasty pork chop dish --- purchase the thicker size pork chops or you may use 2-3 larger pork steaks, the thinner chops tend...
Well, I made these up using our favorite ingredients. Ground pork is sometimes less expensive than ground beef. We have also had this with ground turkey...
Cabbage, bacon, ham, onion and leftover potatoes make up this tasty, easy dish. This is a great way to get the kids to eat cabbage. Using leftovers makes...
This takes some time to make, and there is expert-level stirring involved, but what a small price when you consider the final results. Whether you do this...
I served this over the summer when we had houseguests and everyone wanted the recipe.It's a Kentucky-style barbeque with a paprika-based rub first and...
This sticky garlic pork chop recipe seems too good to be true. It only takes a few minutes of prep work, requires no tricky techniques, and doesn't call...
Use your favorite dry rub and barbeque sauce to make this succulent pork. A little trick I like is to put 2 ramekins with liquid smoke flavoring in with...