This tasty appetizer seasoned with thyme, oregano, and savory. Choose good sized mushrooms, about 2 inches across. When cleaning mushrooms, don't run them...
If you're a stuffed mushroom connoisseur, this is a must try! These practically melt in your mouth and are always a hit when I've served them to family...
These little goodies are the perfect addition to your next holiday gathering or even the perfect appetizer to serve before a cozy dinner at home. Everyone...
This recipe was handed down to me from my Grandma. Little mushrooms are marinated in a zesty mixture. They're great for buffet style gatherings. They keep...
These tender escargots in mushroom caps are smothered with wine sauce and cheese. Nothing big and fancy, but I liked how it turned out, so I thought I'd...
I couldn't find a mushroom recipe that I liked, so I started playing around with my own creation. You can make these with salad shrimp, crab, sausage -...
Crimini mushrooms (also known as portabellini mushrooms) are stuffed with Cheddar cheese and bacon. This appetizer is an impressive and irresistible accompaniment...
The melted cheese and bacon make these irresistible! These mushrooms are simple and delicious! Add some of your diced favorites! Omit bacon for vegetarian...
Pesto-stuffed grilled portobellos make for the perfect summer outdoor meal. It stands alone as vegetarian fare if you serve it with fresh fruit (such as...
These juicy portobello steaks are one of my favorite quick and easy dishes. These can be cooked on a skillet indoors or on a grill outdoor. Such a great...
My husband and I love sauteed spinach, sauteed mushrooms, sauteed onions, and sauteed garlic. So, we put it all together with some tomatoes to add some...
My mom makes these mushrooms every year for the holidays and there are NEVER any leftovers! They are the best stuffed mushrooms I have ever had. I now...
Balsamic vinegary mushrooms, yum! A great way to start your dinner party! These mushrooms are equally delicious hot or cold so you can prepare them the...
I got this recipe from a winery at a tasting. It is so delicious on French bread with some wine. For a chunkier consistency, you can fold in additional...
Meaty portabellos are topped with blue cheese. Great as an appetizer, or build a burger with crusty rolls, red onion slices, lettuce and tomato. I chopped...
An 18th Century recipe that I have altered slightly. Better make a double batch because these go fast. Sausage can be substituted for ground beef if you'd...
Marinated mushrooms are one of my favorite Italian antipasti. They are easy to make and all you need is some crusty bread to eat with them. They also taste...
This is a wonderful dish that can be served with almost any main course. These mushrooms stuffed with shrimp and topped with melted Cheddar cheese go really...
This easy side dish comes out super flavorful and juicy with a hint of sweetness from the balsamic. A perfect complement to a grilled steak, mashed potatoes,...
Fresh mushrooms are marinated overnight in olive oil seasoned with lemon juice, thyme and garlic and served warm. Delicious served with crusty bread to...
The Dijon mustard adds a different twist to this delicious appetizer! Water chestnuts are optional, but add a nice texture to the smooth cream cheese and...
This is perfect for a buffet or as a football appetizer menu addition. I make these a couple of days ahead and store them in a glass jar. Even non-mushroom-eaters...
These are delicious mushrooms my boyfriend's father made that I tweaked into my own. You can play with different cheeses and sauces including salad dressings....
A deliciously rich casserole chock full of crab, mushrooms and sharp Cheddar cheese. Delicious over puff pastry shells or simple toast points. Imitation...