This sounds like a wonderful recipe for cornbread and I look forward to trying it. This recipe comes from Hallelujah Acres and was submitted by Rev. George...
Lingonberries are popular throughout Scandinavia, served fresh, baked in delicious fruit breads, or enjoyed in sparkling jams and jellies. Try these muffins...
Low-carb, grain-free muffins that taste like cornbread! Made with coconut flour and bursting with cranberries and jalapeƱo, these delicious muffins would...
I had some extra cottage cheese in the refrigerator and wanted to see what else I could make with it and found this recipe on Daisy Brand's website. Wow,...
This is my southern grandma's famous peach muffin recipe. You can make them year round with frozen peaches, but they're best with fresh peaches in the...
These muffins are delicious -- they are my uncle's recipe. Since I was born until I was ten or eleven I would have one of these muffins with breakfast...
How do you slim down banana muffins while keeping that great moist banana taste? You throw alot of muffins away... Let me save you the trouble of chemistry...
This is one recipe that we absolutely love. It is so good. I even make sandwiches out of it, and not only that, you can put them in the toaster, Hope you...
I love the slight hint of rum in the muffins I make and the taste of the banana completes it. You can freeze these muffins and then take them out and glaze...
This recipe is just the thing to toss together at the end of a hectic day when you don't have the time to make a yeast-raised biscuit! You can soak the...
These amazing muffins have no eggs, yeast, or white sugar in them and are pretty low fat. They are very moist and I always get compliments whenever I make...
I just love bananas in any ways shape or recipe...This recipe was found in the South Dakota Govenors cook book this year...It is YUMMY. At least now no...
A different recipe from Aunt Dorothy's, which in later years Grandma W used most frequently. This was her original recipe...and her trick was to sprinkle...
Apple Muffins with Maple Glaze is a copycat of the old Costco muffins. Moist, fluffy, apple and spice filled muffins topped with streusel and drizzled...
Author: Elizabeth Waterson I Confessions of a Baking Queen
Dense, moist, and full of fall spices we could not get enough of these pumpkin doughnut muffins. The texture isn't a regular muffin. It's more of a cake...
Mincemeat muffins are a traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas morning breakfast for our family. They can be made several days ahead and kept in the freezer....
Toasted coconut, almonds, orange zest, vanilla, and coconut milk are just what is needed for a scrumptious combination. These muffins freeze well, and...
A sweet, yummy, muffin! Try it with real maple syrup if you get a chance but any maple flavor syrup will do! You may also add 1/2 cup of chopped walnuts...
These muffins take only minutes to put together, require little clean up and are easy enough for even inexperienced cooks to make! I have used white, yellow,...