One of my favourite hot pots, yosenabe is packed with seafood, chicken and vegetables. Unlike shabushabu, you don't need dipping sauces for this as yosenabe...
Tsukune (Japanese Chicken Meatballs) is a regular Yakitori dish items. Soft and bouncy chicken meatballs are skewered and chargrilled with sweet soy sauce,...
This savory and delicious recipe is for all my love bugs who gave up pork! Made in the Instant Pot for a quick dinner. Serve over rice, mashed potatoes,...
Tempura is one of the best known foods of Japan. This is a traditional Japanese recipe, made with an authentic batter (ie no baking soda or baking powder)....
Spanish Olives Chicken and Rice made in a single cast iron skillet is a gorgeous meal made easy with delicious Spanish queen green olives, caramelized...
The ultimate comfort food, this Instant Pot vegetable stew is made with loads of veg and delicious broth with herbs and spices. It's thick, hearty and...
This easy Greek Garlic Chicken is a great way to serve chicken to your family and friends. The lemon and oregano marinade/brine is simple to make and adds...
Tender chicken, crisp peppers and bamboo shoots, and fat noodles all tossed in a rich sauce that is fragrant, savory and slightly sweet. Make your favorite...
This Chicken Crock Pot Mac 'n Cheese is super simple to throw together, has a short cooking time and is the perfect comfort food! You are going to love...
If you've ever wondered whether or not there is one pork loin (or tenderloin) recipe that can be called "The Best Pork Loin Recipe Ever", you've found...
The minute the new season arrives, we head to the Hollywood Farmers Market and stock up on seasonal produce like it's going out of style. Almost every...
This classic Italian braised veal shanks Osso Bucco is real comfort food with fork-tender meat bathed in a luxurious and flavorful tomato red wine sauce....
Zucchini stir fry with chicken is fast, easy to cook, healthy, and is ready in 25 minutes. This stir-fry recipe with an Asian spin is a welcoming change...
This Korean ramen is an upscaled version of traditional Korean ramyeon. Big, bold Korean flavours and decent ramen noodles. This is not dressed up instant...
Chinese Pepper Beef Stir Fry is a takeout favorite! It is so quick and easy to make at home you'll forget where you put the takeaway menu! Ready in under...
This recipe has been made in our family in the oven for years, so I thought I should give it a try in the crock pot! So I give you my Crock Pot Hamburger...
Panda Express Mushroom Chicken in just 20 minutes! You'll be sitting down to dinner faster than you could drive there and pick some up and come home! Lightly...
The best turkey burger recipe with lean ground turkey and plenty of spices and flavorings. In my opinion, these turkey burgers are just as delicious as...
This Lentil Quinoa Loaf with a Spicy Ketchup glaze is nut-free, vegan and can be made gluten-free. Perfect addition to a holiday meal. Makes 1 loaf, serves...
This jalapeno popper chicken is chicken breasts stuffed with a jalapeno cheese mixture, then wrapped in bacon and baked to crispy perfection. An easy low...
Easy Salmon Patties are flavorful, crispy on the outside, and perfectly moist inside. Featuring canned salmon, dijon mustard, lemon and an amazing creamy...
Sirloin Steak and Potato Bites are an easy one-pan dinner. It's full of delicious flavor and comes together quickly- the perfect option for meat-and-potatoes...