This beer marinated chicken with spices and lime in the marinade keeps the chicken drumsticks so juicy and tender all through the grilling that it's hard...
These salmon cakes are a perfect appetizer to any meal. The great thing is that you can make them into larger patties and serve them as a main course alongside...
This Grilled Ribeye Steak recipe is incredibly easy and doesn't require a lot of preparation. All you need is a couple well-marbled ribeyes, a hot grill,...
Dak bulgogi is a delicious, easy-to-make Korean chicken dish that's perfect for any night of the week. The sweet and savory bulgogi flavor makes this dish...
This wonderful Baked Eggs in Tomatoes recipe is a simple, delicious & healthy way to start your day! It would also make a fabulous lunch too. This classic...
We love how the maple flavor pairs with the pork and thyme here, and its savory sweetness also helps the chops caramelize as they cook on the grill. This...
Red Snapper is a great fish for grilling. For this recipe you can substitute just about any white fish with this technique, served with a Cajun Cream Sauce...
This pork roast makes 10 servings, so there are plenty of leftovers to package and freeze. Sweet potatoes, apples, and honey create a hearty flavor, and...
Berbere is an Ethiopian spice mix, made with a combination of spices grown in the region. Flavors are deep and exotic and warming, perfect for the cold...
This roast is so simple, it only takes about 15 minutes from start to finish. You'll have a delicious dinner and leftovers that are a great alternative...
If you like mushrooms, you'll love this grilled portobello mushroom sandwich. Grilled marinated portobello mushrooms are the foundation of this vegetarian...
Slow cooker recipes are great for potluck dinners, sporting events, birthdays, Sunday dinners, weekly meals, oh wait, just about every occasion under the...
This is a no-knead bread that can be started at 4:00pm and turned out onto the dinner table at 7:00pm. It is not artisan bread, and it's not trying to...
Mississippi raises the best tasting catfish in the world. Of course we know how to fry these pond raised delicacies, but it's also great as Barbecue Catfish...
The French technique of cooking "in paper" gently steams your protein and veggies in liquid-wine, in this case-so barely any cooking fat is necessary....
The fresh taste of the vegetables paired with the sweetness of mango is awesome when combined with the addictive flavors of the satay chicken and the cashew...
Baked meatballs aren't very exciting, but with golden, crisply melted cheese on top they are transformed into an elegant entree. The meatballs are so moist,...
This 5 Minute Microwave Ricotta Cheese recipe shows you how easy it is to make cheesy, delicious homemade ricotta cheese, without much equipment or time!...
I call this recipe "Texas Style Pulled Pork" because it reminds me of the way brisket and spare ribs are cooked in the Lone Star State. Simple, 3-ingredient...
Pampushki are starchy morsels usually served with soup, such as Borsch. What's unique about these is that they are made using both mashed potatoes and...
Get fired up for El Salvadoran Roast Turkey. My husband is half Mexican and half El Salvadoran. That means I get fed REALLY WELL when I'm with his family....
Make this Chinese dim sum Shumai Recipe (Siu Mai, Shaomai, or Siomai). Flavorful Pork Dumplings with crunchy shrimps, bouncy pork & fragrant mushrooms....
If you are a fan of Korean food, you must have already heard of sigeumchi namul. A classic and humble spinach side dish made with soy sauce, garlic and...
Yakitori literally means grilled chicken and also refers to skewered food in general. Enjoy this sweet and irresistible chicken and scallion skewers (negima)...
Prepared salsa makes this chicken stir-fry recipe burst with flavor. Substitute any of your favorite vegetables. Serve with pasta or rice and dinner is...
Whether you serve these for before dinner as a starter or add them to your small get together, I am sure everyone is going to love them. This crispy chicken...
This is the recipe used by Stephen Rennard, MD, professor in the department of internal medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha,...
Oven-roasted cream cheese stuffed jalapeño poppers filled with cheesy crab and Chinese sausage filling with a crispy sesame onion topping. East meets...
Bright in color and flavor: a fresh salad of shredded carrots, dressed with olive oil, lemon juice and Moroccan spices. A healthy side dish that goes with...
For vegetables, try asparagus, mushrooms, zucchini, spinach, or swiss chard. A frittata is a great way to use cooked vegetables too. Instead of 4 cups...