This crisp coleslaw side dish or salad is has no mayo, just apples, cabbage, kohlrabi, and a bright dressing made with rice vinegar and lime. Serve at...
A batch of herby rice is a natural partner to peak-season tomatoes. But don't forget about this rice once those tomatoes are gone. Green rice works in...
Soy sauce, lime, and plenty of grated garlic create a marinade that adds tons of flavor in as little as five minutes while helping the shredded coconut...
This can be a main meal over rice or a unique side dish. Canned beans may be used but are not as good as cooked dried beans in my opinion. A bit of hot...
This one-skillet breakfast is perfect for chilly holiday mornings that call for hot melted cheese and eggs with as little work as possible. Use your favorite...
At my house, I put all the fillings on the table and let everyone build their own tacos-they can choose their favorite combinations, so it's more fun and...
Pork shoulder isn't just for pulled pork. Ask your butcher to cut it into steaks, and it'll soon become your favorite well-marbled and quick-cooking cut...
Fishcakes, like cakes of beef, would be nice served with a salad of beets and some horseradish or herb crème fraîche. Or with slaw and a spoonful of...
A friend made this and brought it to our Supper 8 many years ago. We served a Mexican spread and this was a perfect fit. It is very different and truly...