Adapted from the Cabbage Patch restaurant in Beverly Hills, this lentil salad is light & refreshing. Be sure to use a variety of lentil that stands up...
This soup is served in a little Turkish storefront take out place near my home. I have not found red lentils yet, so I use regular dried lentils (brown)...
A satisfying main dish soup from "The Best Vegetarian Recipes" by Martha Rose Shulman. The pasta and rice absorb a lot of the liquid, so the soup is thick...
Translated and adapted from a French recipe on the back of the lentil bag label. If you subsitute garam masala for the herbs the provence, you'll have...
A colorful dish that pleases the eye and the palate. Make it as spicy as you dare! Great served with Recipe #47554. This recipe is from Moosewood Restaurant's...
A rich savory vegetarian chili that's easy to make and smells wonderful. High in fiber and low in fat. It even looks like meaty chili (see pic!). Serve...
I just love lentils so when I spotted this recipe in a book I couldn't resist making it. The recipe says you can add other vegetables such as tomatoes,...
This is very easy to make and doesn't take long, so it's great if you've had a long day and just want something hot. It is less heavy than the European...
I made up this easy soup recipe to use up some lentils and tomato paste in my pantry and the result was very warm and hearty. You won't believe how low-calorie...
A lentil burrito that can be eaten hot or cold. From the Chicago Tribune: 11/13/90. (I'm guessing on the prep time but it should'nt take much more than...
From Leite's Culinaria (by Brian Alberg from Terra Mar Grille Saybrook Point Inn & Spa Saybrook,...
A great vegetarian alternative to meatloaf. Works great as leftovers as well. If you don't have a food processor, you can mash up the beans with a potato...
This is so fabulous. Oh my gosh it is delicious and actually not that hard to make. You can find turmeric and garam marsala at any Indian Food store and...
This recipe came out of our home school Bible Workbook called Genesis to Joshua. My children had to make it one day for Bible Class. For those who need...
This is one of my signature potluck dishes. It makes a TON. The lentils almost make it taste like a hamburger dish. Don't even think about using dried...
I don't know where I got this recipe. Dal is typically made with lentils, tomatoes, onions, and a spices. My friends in India say Dal is a staple type...
Entered for ZWT. This is a staple of South Indian cuisine, found in Madhur Jaffrey's "World Vegetarian", used as a launching pad for other recipes. This...
Chips and dip: classic, and every culture has its take. There's hummus and pita, tortilla chips and guac, British chips and tartar sauce... From time to...
This is a wonderful soup to come home to on a frosty fall evening. Great with a green salad and some crusty bread. I have been known to use 2 28 ounce...