Don't let the name turn you off! This soup has a nice thick consistency that is nice and flavorful. A perfect blend of vegetables, legumes and grains....
While you can certainly make this anytime, for me this is a salad for outdoors -- a picnic, a terrace. Wonderful served over mixed baby greens and eaten...
Smaller lentils (like Castellucio) are preferred for this. Also, do not yield to the temptation to eat it hot; let the flavors meld and mellow for an hour...
Another spartan vegetable side that we make at home, but this one's always been my favourite and is the reason why I love french beans! Once when I was...
We like bean burgers and I decided to do these to try to incorporate more spinach into my kids food without completely hiding it so that they will try...
this is a healthy superfood salad which is mega good for you and quick the "I've just got in from the gym and want something good that is gonna fill me...
From Neva & Jim Brackett's 7 Secrets Cookbook. Makes a very healthy meal that's delicious! Spinach and tomatoes are added after the cooking is completed...
I've been fascinated with yellow split peas lately. Cheap and easy to cook. I found this recipe somewhere on the internet. I haven't tried it yet, but...
There's a Middle Eastern restaurant near me that has wonderful lentil soup. I've been looking for a recipe to recreate it at home, and this comes very...
Mulligatawny is a lemon & black pepper flavored lentil Indian soup. This recipe is an adaptation of several different adaptations of Madhur Jaffrey's recipe....
This is true comfort food that tastes like a cross between Cream of Wheat and Lentil Soup. Try to get the red lentils because they cook quicker and lend...
I had to make this recipe public for my family to see it, so please, if you experience problems let me know. The original recipe calls for a cup of cooked...
This recipe is adapted from the one found in Paula Wolfert's "Couscous and Other Good Foods From Morocco". It should be stated that traditionally, the...
Easy, simple but comforting, and delicious, this soup is just right for either family or company. If you wish to skip the garnish, just top with croutons....
I love lentils because you don't have to soak them before they cook (no advance planning required). This is a very simple recipe with great flavor. Recipe...
This is one of my favourites from growing up in Trinidad. It's a great vegetarian dish and very healthy, as it has high levels of proteins, is a good source...
Another adoptee from Budget Bytes, with a couple of little tweaks to make it my own. Please check out the original link here, complete with step by step...
A delicious recipe from Bal Arneson. I love red lentils because they are so tender -- they blend into all the other ingredients and add a wonderful texture...
This reminds me of the "not really a curry" I used to eat as a kid. We ate it over white rice with sliced bananas on top, believe it or not. I tried this...
These were the first ever veggie patties that I have ever eaten and they are terrific, whether served with rice and a salad for dinner or in a whole wheat...
No, silly, not fish roe! A recently discovered heirloom pulse I tried for the first time, beluga lentils are earthy and delicious; not mealy or dry textured!...