Chicken tenders are marinated in Italian dressing, then coated in bread crumbs and grilled. They're served with a side dish of sauteed mushrooms, garlic,...
Graham crackers form the base for this bar cookie with layers of marshmallows, brown sugar, almonds and coconut. "I've made these cookies since 1984,"...
Mix and match your choice of vegetable with a flavored butter. Do-ahead tip: Prepare one or all of the flavored butters up to 2 months in advance; freeze...
This fantastic one-pan dinner is ideal for a Sunday supper or casual fall get-together with friends; the sauce is delicious, so serve with bread or mashed...
Be whisked back to your school dining hall with this old school cake with sprinkles! Ideal for special occasions such as birthdays, or just to enjoy amongst...
Slow Cooker Beef Stew made with tender chunks of beef, loads of vegetables and a simple mixture of broth and spices that yields the BEST, easiest beef...
Halloumi is a salty Greek cheese that you can grill with delicious results--like a fried mozzarella stick that showed up at a barbecue. Find it at Whole...
This lentil salad hits all those flavor notes. There are a handful of spices that get added at different stages of cooking, creating layers and layers...
Nutty sesame oil balances the sparkle of fresh ginger. A combo of black and white sesame seeds makes for striking presentation, but if you can't find the...
This recipe is for the home canner. Any variety of ripe tomato can be used for this sweet and tangy spread. Try it on sandwiches, as a topping for fish...