Super-fast entree that tastes like you spent time in the kitchen. Light, crisp flavors of lime and dill say 'summertime' even if you grill this in the...
An easy version of seafood alfredo. I like to serve this with black (squid ink) pasta for a dramatic presentation, but it can be made with normal pasta...
I made this recipe for my husbands enjoyment, since I am allergic to this and many other sea foods. I even made hush puppies and Cole Slaw to go with it,...
A baked bluefish recipe which surrounds the palate with bluefish flavor but not the fat or typically strong bluefish odor. This fish tastes delicious served...
I'm a huge fish fan and I'm always looking for new ways to make fish. I couldn't find any recipe that sounded tasty on the net for arctic char so I decided...
This smoked trout schmear is incredibly easy, and very versatile. Obviously, it's great spread on any kind of bread or crackers, but slathered atop a freshly...
Cajun catfish served up with just the right touch of spices and flavor. This entree is perfect for a quick, excellent way to taste the unique flavor of...
Fresh grouper is my absolute favorite. It is a mild fish and this recipe may entice even those who don't like fish to make it a favorite. The recipe is...
This is just an old-fashioned tuna egg sandwich that is simple and quick to make! My grandparents make these and tell me that this is the 'correct' way...
Keep canned salmon on hand and you'll have everything you need to make these crispy, flavorful salmon burgers in your pantry. An easy roasted red pepper...
This recipe uses a technique called "sweating" to extract maximum flavor from every ingredient. Although sweating adds a step, this stock is still effortless...
This lemon pasta is a wonderful family recipe and a great way to use up leftover salmon. Simple and delicious. Serve with a green salad and fresh Italian...
Easy pan-fried tilapia, lightly breaded and quickly fried in an equal amount of butter and olive oil. Then topped with a wine sauce and garnished with...