Simple, fast, and delicious describes this baked cod recipe. Bake for two sets of 10 minutes each and you have the perfect ten dinner! This recipe was...
These marinated tuna steaks, served rare, taste 'fancy' but are very easy to cook. Even my husband, who doesn't like most cooked fish, enjoys these steaks....
This is a great recipe for a night when you're feeling lazy - only a few ingredients, nothing to chop, easy cleanup, and very yummy! My husband announced...
This is a great beer batter fish recipe, and is very easy to do. We often fish all day with friends, and then cook the fish afterwards out on deck. Yummy...
This is a quick, flavorful dish that looks gourmet. The spread works well with other mild white fish. Serve with your favorite vegetable and couscous for...
This is a recipe that I obtained from a very good Cajun friend who is a native of Lafayette, Louisiana. His family adopted me (friendly) many years ago...
This is an easy, elegant, wonderful salmon dish with a no-cook sauce. It really doesn't get much easier. I love it best on swelteringly hot summer days....
We love boating here in the Hamptons in NY. Fluke (summer flounder) fishing is one of our favorite past times. The water is so clean you can actually watch...
Tuna is available most of the year, so fresh steaks should be easy to come by. Be choosy: a reddish color is acceptable, but flesh with dark spots or streaks...
This is a spicy sauce similar to etouffee. By adding seafood, it becomes Seafood Creole. Due to the seasoning mix, it is quite spicy. This can be controlled...
Tuna, macaroni, creamy soup, cheese and fried onions are all you need to make this super easy tuna casserole that I learned from my roommate. It's great...
Virtually every beer-battered fish recipe looks crispy coming out of the fryer, and some even stay crispy for a few minutes, but then the inevitable sogginess...
This is dedicated to all those chefs who tell you to never, ever mix fish and cheese together; and yet there they are, at the diner at 2:00 in the morning....
I have served this to many a friend from the South, and it is always a winner! Serve with coleslaw and oven-baked french fries, and you'll have a healthy,...
This pan-seared tilapia dish is a delicious and easy way to prepare seafood! Great for a quick weeknight meal accompanied with fresh veggies. Try this...
The 'no smell' fish recipe that is the ONLY one I make for my family (I hate fish, they LOVE it!). Take foil packets to table for service, and keep them...
Haddock is a wonderful light and flaky white fish abundantly available in New England. This recipe spices up its mild flavor and is very quick and easy...
Very easy and tasty recipe I invented one day with ingredients on hand, for fresh rainbow trout (farmed or wild) that my family loves. It takes very little...
Times were tough for my newly divorced mom in the 70's. I remember eating creamed tuna on toast with a green salad on the side at least weekly. It was...
The technique for making poke is so basic that even the most inexperienced cooks can get something close to what they'd get in a restaurant. But the one...
A super simple broiled grouper fillet recipe for all of you grouper groupies. Fillets 1 inch thick take about 12 to 14 minutes to cook properly. If using...
Baking salmon in a low-temperature oven slowly melts the fat between the flesh and leaves the fillets incredibly moist and tender. Lemon and thyme, a classic...
This Ginger Glazed Mahi Mahi is bursting with flavor and combines both sweet and sour taste sensations. The 30 minute prep time includes 20 minutes to...