Cutting leeks into large pieces (they almost dissolve when thinly sliced) gives them a presence equal to disks of potato, while cooking the vegetables...
Make this cabbage-wrapped bacon and cheesy mashed potato pie, share a toast to St. Patrick's Day with your friends, and watch all of your late winter blues...
When you warm lettuce in butter and wine it gets velvety and rich-a perfect foil to the toothsome, sweet peas. Serve spooned over slices of quiche for...
For this cookout-ready dinner, grilled chicken gets glazed with a sweet and tangy South Carolina-ish barbecue sauce. The simple salad of grilled onions,...
This updated take on the classic corned beef dinner features extra-crispy roasted cabbage and potato wedges instead of boiled. Serve it drizzled in a dill...
A standing rib roast combines deep beefiness with marvelous tenderness and, naturally, has a price tag to match. But don't be intimidated. It's still a...
Don't cook your green beans this Thanksgiving: smash them with a rolling pin and keep them raw instead. This process softens the beans and breaks them...
Make use of an abundance of fresh, seasonal raspberries with this jam recipe. Pro tip: liquid pectin can be substituted for the powdered pectin with no...
Just like the steakhouse-style prime roast your grandparents served at Christmas, but better, because it's made using the reverse-sear method for a super-tender,...
You can serve this warmly spiced, slow-cooked pork in its entirety for a crowd, or treat it as a "nextover" and turn the extra servings into a brand-new...
Quickly shallow-frying the chicken halves in shallot oil after they've been roasted locks in their juices and results in beautiful golden brown and crispy...
Quickly charred shishito peppers and mixed mini sweet peppers flavored with just salt, pepper, and olive oil are a sweet and smoky topping for grilled...
Weighting the puff pastry with an extra sheet pan while it blind-bakes is a classic way to get the crackle without the height and also gives the pastries...
These Roasted Mixed Nuts are the perfect combination of savory, salty, spicy and sweet! They make a great, quick and easy appetizer or snack... but be...
This meltingly tender pork shoulder is the ultimate make-ahead dinner party main. A chimichurri-style fresh basil sauce balances the rich pork with bright...
You can totally eat this simple quiche on its own (the crème fraîche and chives keep it from being boring). But things really start to get interesting...
Pots de crème are little baked custards with a fancy name. A pinch of salt in these custards heightens the caramel flavor. Cover the baking pan of custard...
A whole roasted duck doesn't have to be fussy. With just a few hours' roasting and hardly any work at all, you can have a juicy bird with crisp skin-the...
Any tender herb or green can be used in this riff on a traditional Georgian spring dish. Try all or a combination of the following: cilantro, tarragon,...
These bite-size mashed potato croquettes are filled with smoked trout, mozzarella, Parmesan, and chives. Freshly fried, they're just the kind of gooey,...
Make this pork loin roast for guests or an easy weeknight dinner. Onions, apples & sage make this main dish really stand out. Don't forget the cooking...
This is a great steak alternative for vegetarians, in addition to being a delicious side dish at any type of dinner.From the book "Mad Hungry," by Lucinda...
Martha's take on this classic American side dish is a winner. This easy creamed corn recipe uses fresh corn kernels which are simmered with butter and...
Anyone torn between their salt-loving and sweet-craving sides will love these blue-cheese pastry puffs that are dipped in caramel and sprinkled with coarse...
Easy to prepare and just as easy to love, spicy, zesty corn is a delicious summer appetizer. To eat, dip a lime wedge in the salt and chile powder, then...
For the ultimate easy, boozy summer dessert, pair different melons with different liquors and top with fresh herbs. We like watermelon with tequila and...
All the best components of a classic summer clambake-potatoes, shrimp, corn on the cob-get an extra layer of flavor when grilled and brushed with gingery...
Choose cherries or apricots or a mix of both for this classic French baked custard. And no special equipment needed means this is the best summer vacation...
Canned chickpeas are perfect for this one-pot dish because they become even more creamy as they warm in the cooking liquid. In case you're not a fan, you...
This quick side dish can be prepared in the same pan as the Grilled Latin-Style Skirt Steak, adding an abundance of flavor.From the book "Mad Hungry,"...
Enhance the flavor of your chili with chocolate. Make this recipe for dinner tonight. Ground beef combined with cocoa powder, jalapenos and more. You're...
Of course, you can just roast a chunk of pork loin and spoon tapenade over it, but when you stuff the tapenade inside the roast, it will look all swirled...
A little sweet, a little spicy, a little smoky-these pork shoulder steaks have everything it takes to steal the show at your next dinner party. (It's so...
Grilled corn always elicits oohs and aahs, even though it only takes minutes to make. Imagine, then, how doubly impressed your friends will be when you...
Bay scallops-which are smaller and sweeter than sea scallops-are found in estuaries up and down the Eastern Seaboard, from New England to the Mid-Atlantic...