Sour cream makes these eggs rich and creamy and the basil adds a little kick of flavor. Sometimes I use pepperjack cheese and a little garlic and onion...
Easy, authentic Mexican recipe that my mom taught me. It's a casserole of tortilla chips mixed with eggs and salsa, and topped with cheese. Serve with...
Hatch green chile from New Mexico may be the most addictive substance on Earth. At the famed Chicago Dog in Santa Fe, New Mexico, they will line up in...
A simple but elegant way to make breakfast fast. Put together the night before, and bake while you're in the shower. Serve with lots of extra maple syrup!...
A great (and man-pleasin') breakfast or brunch main dish! Prepare the taco meat the night before and keep refrigerated; warm in microwave next morning...
This is a no-fuss, easy recipe. The sauce is simply put together in a blender - no double boiling necessary. Assemble eggs with sauce over hot buttered...
This is great for a special brunch or even a quick and easy dinner. Other breakfast meats can be used, but the deli ham is the easiest since it is already...
This recipe is a generational French family tradition for Easter morning. I have searched the entire internet and I've never heard of anyone having it...
Great for when there are picky eaters in the crowd. Can make as many as needed or just one if you like. Got this from an internet friend. Good served with...
This omelet is filled with a mixture of cherry tomatoes, spinach, bell pepper, and asparagus. Feta cheese gives it that distinctive Greek flavor that pairs...
Chakchouka (also called shakshouka) is a Tunisian and Israeli dish of tomatoes, onions, pepper, spices, and eggs. It's usually eaten for breakfast or lunch,...
Quiche works very well. Add seasonings of your family's choice for more variety. Use ham, bacon, or whatever protein. This quiche needs flavor boosters,...
Turn leftover chicken into this simple and gourmet chicken savory quiche. Shredded chicken, green onions, garlic, and Gouda cheese combine to make a perfect...
It's easy to make authentic Japanese food at home with this classic Japanese omelette recipe. Tamagoyaki is slightly sweet and seasoned with soy sauce,...
My grandmother makes this every Christmas morning, and it's amazing. My husband hates eggs and he always has seconds, even my 1- and 2-year-old gobble...
This is my go-to breakfast every morning. Fast, easy, foolproof, customizable, and packed with protein, all for fewer calories than your average fast-food...
Perfect for camping or fun family-style cooking. Pop in all ingredients in a baggie and boil. This recipe can be easily modified to suit the tastes of...
This is an easy baked eggs recipe from my Grandpa Douglas' mother, Marguerite. We made this the other day and it was fabulous! This would be a 6 out of...
A savory pudding made with sliced white bread, eggs, Cheddar and Parmesan cheeses, and anything else you may want to chuck in!! This is a very nice light...
Quick Easy and Delicious! I learned this recipe from many years of eating with the Mexican cooks at my restaurant. They like to sneak in breakfast before...
It always feels a little wrong making a frittata with freshly cooked vegetables, since the whole point of the dish is to use up leftovers, but seeing as...
A hearty overnight bacon breakfast casserole that is sure to please everyone for breakfast or brunch. This make-ahead breakfast casserole recipe can be...