Cooks while you sleep! Some fun variations of this recipe: before cooking (during prep) you can add chunks of sourdough bread, diced chiles, salsa, and/or...
These are delicious little quiche tarts perfect for a party, shower, or just to have on hand for fast breakfasts during the week. Try substituting different...
This recipe of my mom's is a colorful make-ahead dish that makes brunch a breeze! Substitute the asparagus with other veggies such as broccoli or zucchini,...
A wonderful baked French toast prepared the night before and baked the next morning. This makes an excellent holiday breakfast! Serve with maple syrup...
One of my all time favorites! My mother got this recipe from her friend Betty, It's a make ahead recipe, to be frozen and used later. My mother used to...
Great comfort food! You can use any type of bread or cheese that you want for this quick and easy breakfast. Serve with fruit and juice and/or milk for...
When you don't have the time to make a pastry crust, try this quick lunch idea. You may add any other goodies you like, such as ham, chicken, crab, shrimp...
This is the real Monte Cristo sandwich. It has a nice thick batter and is absolutely delicious. Enjoy hot sandwich with currant jelly or make a currant...
Eggs combine with cheese, bacon, and bread to become a fluffy cheese strata that no one can resist! This is an easy recipe for guys who want to surprise...
This quiche recipe is the best! It is easy to make and tastes SO delicious! Freezes well after it is baked. Use ham, bacon or sausage, or any combination...
This is a very tasty crustless quiche. You can substitute the filling for different ones you may like better, but these are my favorite. By the way, this...
This is a tasty scramble of scrambled eggs, cheese, and pieces of sausage. Great for a Sunday morning family breakfast! You may use as much of whatever...
This recipe for hearty breakfast burritos is intended to be made in a large batch so that individual burritos can be frozen and reheated as needed. Making...
Bacon, Swiss cheese and onions mingle in perfect harmony amidst the eggs and cream in this timeless classic. Perfect for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner...
Frittatas are a cinch to make, and you can substitute the ingredients with whatever you have on hand! It's fun to get creative with them! They also make...
This quiche recipe can be made in a large pie pan, a regular muffin pan, or mini muffin pan. They taste great, and you can add more ingredients to suit...
In my version of Scotch eggs, I keep the egg soft, so when you bite in, you get that amazing contrast in texture between the molten yolk and the crispy...
This very simple casserole is made with sausage, cream cheese, and crescent roll dough. If you have hectic mornings, you can bake it at night and just...
Save time without the hassle of dipping individual pieces and frying on the stove top. Any kind of sandwich bread will work, and you can add any fruit...
This rich, delicious, and easy-to-make appetizer can be served warm or cool. I sometimes use grated low-fat cheese and find that it is just as tasty and...
A delicious traditional English breakfast dish using smoked white fish, rice and eggs. It is based on the Indian dish Khichri and comes from the days of...
My mom has always made this for us on Christmas morning, and since we only have it once a year it makes it even more good. It is so delicious, and everyone...
This is a delicious breakfast dish that my mother likes to prepare for Christmas breakfast. It is easy to prepare, and sets overnight, so in the morning...
Great for breakfast, lunch, or dinner! Feel free to experiment with this original recipe by me. Yummy sauteed meat, potatoes, veggies, with eggs. Ingredient...