Of course you can have chocolate for breakfast! Shake things up with this favorite southern breakfast dish of chocolate gravy. This recipe features butter,...
Going to a cookout? This classic potato salad is what you want! It's made with boiled potatoes, sour cream, mayo, green onions, celery, parsley, pickles...
Kimchi is the name given to any number of fermented vegetables in Korea as a means to preserve the fall harvest for the cold winter months. This quick,...
Whip up this 20 minute EASY chicken scampi with angel hair pasta for dinner. This recipe uses simple ingredients you're likely to have on hand, perfect...
Crunchy, crispy apple crisp recipe! This is the easiest of the apple desserts. Just bake sliced tart apples topped with a streusel oat topping, with plenty...
The Pioneer Woman's favorite fall dessert is her Caramel Pumpkin Gingersnap Cheesecake, and it's not hard to see why. It's creamy, nutty, spicy, sweet,...
This kid-friendly air-fryer apple hand pie dessert recipe from Paula Deen is the perfect fall comfort food . Ingredients include apples, cinnamon, sugar...
Make this easy Beef Stroganoff recipe with tender strips of beef and mushrooms, then finish with sour cream for the best Stroganoff sauce. Then serve over...
Not only is Mac Daddy n' Cheese mad creamy good and the ultimate comfort food, but it's great as a meal or side dish. The only thing that Mac Daddy n'...
Slow Cooker Guinness Beef Stew! Make this hearty, satisfying stew with chunks of beef, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, and of course, Guinness stout. Perfect...
No rice cooker, no problem- with this Vegetable Masala Curry with Basmati Rice, just use your microwave. This simple curry dish is packed with rich flavor...
This tomato casserole is layered with cheese and onions then topped with bread crumbs for a crunchy top. This Southern classic casserole is perfect for...
Delicious lightened up chicken pot pie made with a homemade flaky crust, an amazing dairy free sauce made with dairy free milk and chicken broth instead...
Cold weather calls for comfort food in the form of chili. Jamie Deen's delicious recipe uses ground beef, italian sausage, several type of beans and more....
Danish frikadeller pork burgers recipe. Ground pork mixed with eggs, crumbled saltine crakers and onions, shaped into patties and fried. Serve with Dijon...
Slow cooker recipes are great for potluck dinners, sporting events, birthdays, Sunday dinners, weekly meals, oh wait, just about every occasion under the...
This Restaurant Style Hot and Sour Noodles Recipe makes a bright and healthy dinner for a small family. There are layers and layers of flavors in these...
This is a no-knead bread that can be started at 4:00pm and turned out onto the dinner table at 7:00pm. It is not artisan bread, and it's not trying to...
This recipe is paleo, Whole30, gluten free, and dairy free. It can be made low carb and keto by omitting the dipping sauce, reducing the amount of pineapple,...
Behold: The creamiest, cheesiest, coziest homemade vegan tomato soup! It's an easy and healthy dinner recipe that can be made from either fresh tomatoes...
These LOADED baked potatoes turn a standard side dish into a full-on entrée. Packed with steamed broccoli, bacon, cheddar, sour cream, and chives, they...