This recipe for the best creamed spinach begins with a simple white sauce that gets bumped up a notch with diced onions and garlic. Make it as a holiday...
Small red potatoes are perfect for this comforting, make-ahead red potato salad. They're easy to cook and add a vibrant color to the classic summer side...
Made with just two main ingredients, pigs in a blanket are impossible to resist! Wrapped in buttery pastry, these bite-size sausage snacks are a party...
It's Easter week, so here's a recipe for a fantastic salad you can serve during the holiday (and all of your spring occasions!). We'll show you how to...
Baked ziti is classic Italian-American comfort food! Bake ziti pasta with sausage, tomato sauce, and all kinds of gooey, yummy cheeses. This easy baked...
White chicken chili is the creamiest, coziest version of chili. It's made with chicken, beans, peppers, corn, jalapeños, and all of your favorite taco...
This cheesy chicken noodle casserole recipe from Paula Deen is a popular comfort food and potluck dish. Ingredients include shredded chicken, egg noodles...
Enjoy a hearty, Southern classic meal tonight with this easy chicken and dumplings recipe. This classic dish gets its smooth, creaminess from cream of...
Make these honey-glazed carrots and parsnips for a savory-sweet holiday side dish. It'll pair perfectly with anything you've cooked up for Thanksgiving...
Tuna patties are a classic frugal recipe to make when you're short on time but hungry for something delicious. Featuring canned tuna, mustard, and lemon,...
This chicken divan recipe from Paula Deen is a classic comfort food casserole. Ingredients include broccoli, cream of mushroom soup and cheddar cheese....
This classic lasagna is made with an easy meat sauce as the base. Layer the sauce with noodles and cheese, then bake until bubbly! This is great for feeding...
Broccoli-cheese soup is my life. There's something about it that triggers a happy, peaceful memory. That's why I'm sharing my easy broccoli cheese soup...
A warm filling of fresh apples and a flaky, butter crust makes this the best homemade apple pie recipe. Here's our recipe, including details on how to...
Few things in this world say supper like this Beef Stroganoff recipe from The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Dinnertime cookbook. Learn how to make Beef Stroganoff...
Sometimes called funeral potatoes, this cheesy potato casserole is the ultimate comfort food. It's delicious any time of year- for holidays, BBQs, and...
The seasoned breading on this chicken fried steak makes it extra crunchy. Serve it with gravy and creamy mashed potatoes for the ultimate comfort food...
This easy Chicken Tortilla Soup comes together right in your slow cooker. Just sprinkle on some chili powder and cumin, add an onion, bell pepper, tomato...
Chicken fried steak is a Southern favorite. To make this classic chicken fried steak recipe, pound steak cutlets thin, then bread, fry, and serve with...
Creamy, cheesy Ham and Cheese Pasta Bake - with parmesan, mozzarella, and ham. This cheesy pasta is comfort food at it's best and a delicious weeknight...