This Mexican chicken and rice is flavor-laden comfort food for our family and made in the Instant Pot®. Serve in bowls with your favorite toppings and...
This recipe was inspired by a tofu burrito that I tried at a local restaurant. It is the perfect combination of flavors: salty, sweet, and a little bit...
This honey cake is a great dessert for dinners surrounding the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah, but also just for a tasty honey cake any time you want...
Fresh and large scallops stew in a marinade of tangy Cuban 'mojito.' Two large scallops meet chunks of yellow squash, zucchini, and portabello mushrooms...
This is my sister-in-law's recipe for a different swing on chicken. It is very good, and is a true Mexican chicken recipe. Serve it with rice and salad,...
Lamb is simmered in a spicy tomato and cream sauce. This is a very mouthwatering dish that is easy to make. Serve with hot cooked rice or your favorite...
Easy and delicious Asian-inspired pasta dish. Your favorite pasta with a smooth and spicy peanut sauce. Serve warm or cold. Also excellent tossed with...
While thinking of a way to use up leftover pulled pork, I remembered a dish I often had growing up in Colorado. While not quite the same, it inspired this...
Great unusual fried cookies--the original name is 'Cenci alla Fiorentina.' It came from my Italian cousins. I used these for a bake sale once and ran out...
This amalgamation of recipes produces a very mild shredded pork taco filling: tasty, but not as intensely Mexican as one might prefer. I suggest using...
This is one of my favorite recipes to make. I worked at a authentic Italian restaurant and my boss showed me how to make this. I have been making it now...
I like to buy a whole pork loin then cut them into chops so that I can get the thickness just right. You can also use the marinade with pork tenderloin,...
This is a wonderful recipe for a hearty, yet refreshing, lemon orzo soup. Comes together quickly and makes for a very flavorful dinner! We eat it by itself...
This curry takes advantage of pre-made curry paste and it cooks in the Instant Pot®. If you don't have coconut sugar, use brown sugar or palm sugar. Serve...
A spicy crab curry cooked with hot Indian spices, sliced red onion, and sliced potatoes (what we Bengalis call Chocchori Aloo.) It's best eaten with hot...
This lasagna uses fresh spinach, plum tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes and a white sauce. Try it when you want a truly unique lasagna. Sourdough or French...
These chicken thighs with added veggies and dry Italian salad dressing served with crusty bread make a complete meal. Serve over pasta, rice, egg noodles,...
This is a tasty, creamy pasta dish with many different flavors to savor. Add as much or as little of the spices as you like, to suit your personal taste....
Chinese hand-pulled noodles, a tradition from Lanzhou in northwest China, require just 3 ingredients and a lot of patience to make. Called lamian, you...
I kind of altered and combined 2 recipes to make this. The pork recipe is an alteration of toejigogi kui, a spicy Korean pork dish. Instead of serving...
I use a venison roast with taco seasonings to make shredded venison tacos. It's a great alternative to beef and my family just loves them. Serve with the...
Flour and water are all you need to make traditional farfalle (or bow ties) at home. Make sure to use a durum wheat semolina, a very refined flour (usually...
This recipe is known in America as almond crescents. I converted the measurements and translated this recipe that has been in my family for generations....
This is a St. Patrick's Day staple at our house. Don't be fooled by the simple ingredients...The trick is getting them to layer just right. The key is...
Chicken parts lightly seasoned and browned, then braised in a red wine sauce. A quick version of a French classic. Serve with pasta or white steamed rice,...
This cheesy stuffed chicken will impress everyone, whether it's your family on a weeknight or your guests at a dinner party. You can even prepare the chicken...
I took my some of my favorite Greek ingredients to make these delicious stuffed bell peppers. The ground lamb can be replaced with ground beef or turkey...
Splendidly flavored shredded chicken tacos that are sure to delight the entire family with this take on a classic Mexican dish. Garnish with avocado and...
Our family loves Indian food, but many authentic Indian recipes are complicated and time-consuming, with a zillion ingredients and millions of steps. This...