It took some time to get my mother-in-law to share her coveted Greek recipes. This is a family favorite. Serve with freshly ground pepper and warm, crusty...
It is best to use very small chicken fillets for this classic Mexican dish (pollo al chipotle). The chicken is simmered in a spicy, smoky Mexican sauce...
This traditional Egyptian hibiscus tea is made with loose dried hibiscus flowers, which are left to steep in the tea as it cools so the tea is quite strong....
My mom designed this recipe to free up the stove by using the rice cooker to steam and stew chicken thighs, yielding tender, almost slow-cooked chicken...
More like the "yellow Thai curry," this recipe is very easy to make, and results are yummy. A great vegetarian dish for those nights when you just don't...
This simple vegetarian North Indian dish of chickpeas is cooked with spinach, mustard leaves, finely chopped broccoli, cabbage, or other greens, along...
I frantically started searching for recipes when my husband brought home 1 kilo of fresh turmeric root. I found many drink recipes calling for milk, turmeric,...
My husband is a Spaniard, so I started looking into paella. It took me 4 times to get this right. It has become his favorite dish and expects me to make...
This delicious pulled chicken taco filling is slowly simmered until the chicken falls apart, creating the most delicious taco filling you can imagine....
This is a great way to use leftover smoked turkey. My kids have always liked the leftovers as much as the 'firstovers'! These are different but yummy....
The vegan burrito is packed full of so many 'good for you' items, you will not miss the meat! Don't let the seasoning fool you, it may say chorizo, but...
So for Christmas I received an Instant Pot® and immediately thought how cool. I had heard about them in podcasts that I listen to, but then thought will...
A spin on a traditional favorite, this recipe combines corn and rye flours along with butter and deep brown sugar to make a deliciously toasty, exceptionally...
These street-style grilled fish tacos have a great balance of spice and creamy queso fresco goodness. Delicious! If you really like spice, drizzle some...
I accepted samgyupsal (grilled pork belly, aka thick bacon) into my late-night diet of soju and beer outings while living in Seoul. The best thing about...
This is a very old favorite of Aunt Dora's collection. I believe it's also called a pie, but this is a hearty dish as a snack or breakfast meal. I now...
Sea bass or any firm-fleshed fish may be used if grouper is not available. The grilled fish and fresh salsa are terrific when served with grilled corn...
A great home remedy beverage for cough, congestion, colds and skin problems. This winter replace your usual hot cocoa with an invigorating cup of wellness....
Springerle recipe from Germany. The best! This recipe has been used in my family for at least 6 generations. The results more than make up for the long,...
Feeling like something more exotic? Try this Thai Grilled Chicken. Easy to prepare and takes very little time from preparation to table! Serve with steamed...
This entree is easy and delicious! It's one of my husband's favorites! Try to use the largest chicken breasts you can find so you'll be able to roll them...
This is the way Mexican cooks prepare chicken - so tender and flavorful! Looks complicated, but it is really so easy. Garnish with chopped avocado, onion,...
This traditional Mexican fruit punch is spiked with rum and best served during the Christmas season. Garnish each mug with a fresh hibiscus flower and...
Air-fried chicken katsu that is crispy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside. The sauce is a little bit sweet, a little bit tangy, and complements...
Transport yourself to the shores of Goa with this authentic beef curry. If you plan ahead, you can cook the beef itself ahead of time, then whip up the...
Revised version of 'Janelle's Turkey Chorizo (Loose, Not Encased).' I have adjusted the spices and method to suit my tastes. My friends who eat chorizo...