Asian flavors accentuate the best fresh salmon that is available to you. If you don't have access to good quality fresh salmon, substitute tuna, mahi mahi,...
This is an unusual cheesecake that is absolutely wonderful. If you're going all out, track down real gianduja chocolate and mascarpone cheese. If that...
A traditional favorite in my family, Brazilian carrot cake is very different from the American version. The popular cake is topped with homemade chocolate...
The secret ingredient which makes this cacciatore stand out is pancetta, an Italian bacon. Once a specialty deli item, it is now readily available at most...
Teriyaki and tofu work very well together. The tofu soaks up the sauce so well and when mixed with the pineapple it adds a tangy bite. Serve on a bed of...
This no-bake chocolate salami recipe (salame de chocolate) from Brazil is very easy. It's named salami because it looks like one. It's a great conversation...
A whole-wheat quesadilla is filled with Cheddar and Parmesan cheeses, black beans, and salsa and then baked to crispy perfection. Serve with a pudding...
This tortilla sundae is served with a mango-strawberry-apple 'salsa.' The base is a corn tortilla fried in oil and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar. The sweet...
This native dish is from the Philippines where coconuts are abundant. The combination of coconut juice and ginger gives it its flavorful and unique taste...
A delicious Instant Pot® dinner made in under 30 minutes (including prep and time to reach pressure)! My family likes to eat this light and buttery shrimp...
This is my version of duck confit pizza, made with several prepackaged ingredients and fresh, flavorful cheese. You'll be eating a restaurant-quality meal...
This is a Moroccan take on shepherd's pie. Delicious combinations of savory and sweet, with lamb and turmeric simmered with cinnamon, raisins, and sweet...
The first thing I do when I visit my favorite Thai restaurant is ponder the specials board. On my one of my recent visits, they had avocado curry. I had...
This is a simple yam pudding that is traditionally served by the Foo Chow people. Traditionally, pork lard is used to enhance the flavor, but it can be...
I got this recipe from my mother-in-law. Even my two young sons love this dish, despite their aversion to all things vegetable! Delicious served with a...
This old Chinese recipe is deceptively simple but addictive. Great substitute for hot spiced apple cider during the holidays. Warms the soul on a cold...
A delicious mild curry to serve with steamed or boiled rice that's relatively simple to prepare. The use of lettuce in cooked meals is also an interesting...
I got this recipe from my sister, who searches for delicious and unusual dishes. This one lit up the family, and everyone loved it. As it got passed around...
Coconut paletas was always a favorite frozen treat from childhood. The addition of pineapple was an inspiration from my trip to Santa Barbara. I thought...
We developed this recipe after trying a similar appetizer at a restaurant in Austin, TX. Depending on the peppers, these quesadillas can be mild and fruity...
Mushroom masala is a classic Indian dish that is flavorful, warming, and simple to make. It is also known as "mushroom masala curry" or "mushroom curry"....
Peppers stuffed with rice and ground beef, seasoned Puerto Rican style. It's a combination of a few traditional stuffed pepper and Pastelon recipes. I...
This is one of those recipes where you'll cross your eyes in pleasure after tasting. Great for vegetarian meat substitute or hiding veggies from your kids....
A lot of recipes tell you to use fresh mangos. THIS is the mistake! I've been doing it that way for years and it is very difficult to get around the chalkiness...
I love Mexican food, but Mexican desserts are limited. Flan is great, but not every time. This recipe has real Mexican flavor with avocados and lime. My...
This is a recipe I came across from my friend's dad. When I tasted it and it tasted a lot like a hot pot dish I had at one of my Chinese friend's house....
Here is a very low cost and simple recipe for a great Vietnamese chicken recipe, Maho. It is something we eat on a regular basis, and my toddler likes...
Japanese curry is easily one of the top national dishes of Japan, behind sushi, ramen, and miso soup. It is distinctly Japanese, varying enough from Indian...
A quick and easy dish to prepare, this chicken stir-fry is packed with veggies. Try adding bean sprouts, bamboo shoots, snap peas, or any of your favorite...
I came up with this recipe after reading many Chinese posts; none of them sounded like the milk tea I have had before. Honey milk tea is what I always...
This Greek dessert is made with Greek yogurt, lemon juice and zest, and lots of shredded phyllo pastry. The texture is unique, and you won't believe how...