I whipped up this delicious hot chocolate in my kitchen one day when I couldn't decide on a mug of hot chocolate or chai tea latte. It tastes just like...
This is a subtle yet richly flavored curry that complements shrimp perfectly. A very authentic taste, and a very easy meal to prepare when you are in a...
I put this recipe together to try and duplicate a favorite dish from a restaurant I love. It's delicious and can be made fairly healthy with white meat...
Summertime is for grilling, and these colorful kebabs will not disappoint. The chicken is the star here, so feel free to substitute vegetables to your...
If you're looking to ice the top of a French Apple Pie, you've found the right place! This is wonderfully buttery white icing that adds to the flavor of...
Adding beet puree to homemade pasta dough produces red-colored pasta. I use both semolina and 00 flour in my dough. I turned the pasta dough into fettuccine,...
A delicious baked chicken. This is excellent to double or triple and serve to a large crowd. I have also used thighs instead of breast meat. This dish...
A Burrito with a German Flavor...Full meal, snack, or brunch. Freezes easy so it makes a different Brown Bag Lunch base. It should look like a giant Cigar....
This is a very rich, creamy and grown up frozen treat. It's simple to make and sure to impress your guests. For a true Irish treat, drizzle it with Irish...
Ground turkey stands in for ground beef or the more traditional lamb in this simple version of shepherd's pie. Frozen vegetables make assembly simple;...
There are varieties of halva in the Middle East but this one is a Persian-style with saffron, rose water, and cardamom with a soft texture that melts in...
Make this classic lasagna recipe zestier by using hot Italian sausage or a little milder with regular Italian sausage. Don't be scared off by the long...
Smooth and delicious beef and potato curry with peanuts. I created a slow-cooker version of this famous Thai dish. This is easy to cook and does not take...
Chow mein packed with lots of veg, chicken, and prawns. Making an authentic Chinese meal at home doesn't get easier than this! It sounds unusual but sprinkle...
This is a traditional roast chicken dish from Algeria. The sauce is a combination of onions, garlic, mustard, balsamic vinegar, and cayenne pepper. When...
A delicious, classic chicken dish -- lightly coated chicken breasts braised with Marsala wine and mushrooms. Easy and ideal for both a quick weeknight...
Fresh tuna, spicy sour cream, and crunchy cabbage are wrapped in warm flour tortillas in this delicious twist on fish tacos. If fresh sushi-grade tuna...
Whenever we go out for Chinese food, my friends always order this vegetable dish from the 'secret' menu. It is so yummy and different and probably pretty...
Fish grilled in this manner is a specialty in the palm-roofed beach restaurants of Barra Vieja, on the outskirts of Acapulco. It is cooked on a wood-fired...
'Cream cakes' are not a specific item, but a term that refers to a variety of goodies served at tea. Scones, cakes, buns, and biscuits may be spread with...
Also called haluska and haluski, this simple fried cabbage and onions with noodles arrived in America along with the immigrants from central Europe whose...
This is the ultimate pasta dish - no matter if it's a casual weekday supper or fancy dinner party you're preparing it for, it is always delicious. The...
A traditional favorite in my family, Brazilian carrot cake is very different from the American version. The popular cake is topped with homemade chocolate...