This is a modified version of Peter Reinhart and Denene Wallace's Waffle recipe. This sugar-free, gluten-free breakfast is tasty and filling. As written,...
I love experimenting with recipes, and I came up with this one after a lot of experimenting with my favorite waffle recipe. These are more filling than...
I love experimenting with recipes, and I came up with this one after a lot of experimenting with my favorite waffle recipe. These are more filling than...
What a fun and festive way to enjoy breakfast! The kids will have a blast decorating their own Christmas trees with their favorite toppings. Decorate each...
Cornmeal and chia seeds add a bit of crunch to these waffles. My family can't get enough of these light waffles. We love to make these Christmas morning...
I have made these for kids and adults alike and they all love them. Chocolaty but not too sweet, these whole-grain waffles are sure to please any age and...
If you are bored with your morning bowl of oatmeal, here's a great alternative. Make lots of extra, freeze, and toast them on demand. Serve with butter,...
This waffle recipe is the only one you'll need to make homemade waffles with your waffle iron. Simple pantry ingredients mix up quickly in this easy batter...
My husband asked me to make him cornmeal waffles. I did not find a recipe for them, so I took a waffle recipe and adapted it using cornmeal. He calls them...
I am fortunate to have four blueberry bushes in my back yard, and they supply me with fresh blueberries all summer long. This is one of the recipes that...
This is a rich waffle recipe based on a Danish batter for aebleskivers. It uses sugar and is wonderful and crisp. We always freeze the extra waffles and...
These Liege waffles are sweeter than traditional Brussels Belgian waffles - a sweeter waffle that can be served for breakfast or dessert. Serve waffles...
The rich and nutty flavor of chestnut flour makes a deliciously unique waffle. Light in texture but hearty in flavor, this is a perfect treat for those...
The rich and nutty flavor of chestnut flour makes a deliciously unique waffle. Light in texture but hearty in flavor, this is a perfect treat for those...
My husband asked me to make him cornmeal waffles. I did not find a recipe for them, so I took a waffle recipe and adapted it using cornmeal. He calls them...
A delicious and elegant use for ripe bananas. Especially good for dessert if you make them as waffles! Just warm a little raspberry preserves to pour over,...
My husband asked me to make him cornmeal waffles. I did not find a recipe for them, so I took a waffle recipe and adapted it using cornmeal. He calls them...
These healthy, protein-packed waffles are fluffy and delicious! No waffle iron? No problem! Make them into pancakes instead. Top with berries, bananas,...
This past Thanksgiving, I mashed all five pounds of potatoes, but I didn't have as many participants at my supper as I expected. I started experimenting...
My Swedish aunt makes the best waffles ever - crispy on the outside, tender on the inside. They are a bit of a project, but the best part is that they...
These are sweeter than traditional Brussels Belgian waffles - a sweeter waffle that can be served for breakfast or dessert. Serve waffles warm or cooled...
Nothing screams autumn like chestnuts. Naturally leavened, gluten-free sourdough starter mixed with fine chestnut flour gives this waffle a smooth, smoky...
Making French toast in your waffle iron combines the best of both worlds. You get all the custardy richness of French toast plus waffle's signature crispy...
Yummy and delicious. These extraordinary waffles are flavored with molasses and spices. Topped with homemade chocolate sauce, they are perfect for a special...