No clean up, 20 minutes, easy and healthy. Nothing more to say. This also will work with green beans, brussels sprouts, zucchini and summer squash, and...
This recipe produces fabulous sweet & sour carrots. The molasses lends a real depth and complexity of flavour. Recipe is from Bon Appétit Magazine (December...
From a local source. The sprouts were delicious served over a bed of short grain brown rice-as a suggestion. Next time for fun I plan to substitute lime...
These make a really nice vegetarian starter (leave out the cheese and butter for a vegan) and are great finger food if you use about 18 smaller mushrooms....
I walked into my MIL's house one evening and was overcome with the heady scent of tomatoes, herbs, and cheeses. She was making lasagna, and this is the...
White bean soup with spinach and leeks is a delicious and filling soup that is perfect for vegetarians if you use vegetable broth, and quick to make. From...
These glossy carrots, flavored with orange juice, cinnamon and ginger, are pretty enough for a special meal. To save time, you could substitute two 15-ounce...
The main ingredient in this relish is Jerusalem artichokes, which are actually a kind of tuber. They are also known as "sunchokes" or topinambours in France....
Steamed broccoli taste much better and healthier than boiled in water. I like it with little bit of lemon flavor. This one easy way to prepare it. Perfect...
I wish I could think of a catchier name, because I think if you try this recipe you will love it! Compared to other recipes I looked at this one is low...
This appetizer is loaded with so many flavors and it's vegetarian and healthy. Give it a shot if you want to impress! It may sound like a ton of work,...
Treat your guests to exotic sweet scallops and succulent shrimp in this upscale yet easy stir-fry. Cooking time can be different so cook between 7 and...
I am copying this from a first edition French Chef cookbook. My boxer ate the cover because the latent smells were so delicious. I have served these many...
I got this out of my (wedding gift) 1973 Betty Crocker Cookbook. I have been making it for years. My mother in law is German and she can't believe I didn't...
Yummy, healthier version of spaghetti! Shrimp and colorful peppers and onions add a summer feel to this dish my mother and I created one night. Quick with...
I got this recipe from a magazine, and use it all the time. It's so quick, easy, and flavorful. Even my kids eat fresh green beans when I cook them like...
One of the only ways I like green beans! This comes from Japanese Home Style Cooking, a book given to me by a girl who lived with us. Prep time includes...
An easy asparagus dish that has a refreshing citrus and ginger addition. This is even better the next day! I just sliced the spears into 1/3's toss and...