An easy, delicious tomato soup without the fancy price of the "gourmet" soup to be found on the grocery shelf. From the "Desperation Dinners" ladies: Beverly...
This is a recipe everyone in the family will love. Vegetarian or not, the combination of tater tots, cheese, and mushroom soup will drive your taste buds...
How sweet it is!!! The original recipe in a community cookbook specifies 400F and I haven't had any problems - but I need a new stove; however, I've decreased...
These are wonderful to serve as an appetizer and I have done so many times at my get togethers, everone loves these! to save even more time you can purchase...
This is a lovely, simple way to prepare fresh beets and greens. The beetroot is cubed and cooked until tender and sauteed with the greens in butter, olive...
This was originally based on the Silver Palate Gazpacho, but it has evolved over the years. I only make this in the summer, because fresh Jersey tomatoes...
This is my attempt at replicating a restaurant recipe for zucchini pasta... it's not EXACTLY the same, but it comes close enough, I guess! You can play...
Cuisines all over the world have some version of this warming, garlicky soup. It's the scent of cumin that makes this one Middle-Eastern at the heart....
I came up with this myself. Since brussels sprouts have a similar flavor to cabbage, I have adapted my cabbage recipe for them. My husband thought he did...
GRILLED EGGPLANT SLICES From: "grist" Read My Review These eggplant slices will melt in your mouth. Top them with just a spoonful of a flavorful tomato...
This is from Trisha Yearwood's 1st cookbook, Georgia Cooking in an Oklahoma Kitchen that she wrote with her mom and sister. This is my husband's favorite...
This is a great dish we have at a local chinese restaurant that I came home and played with. They're an excellent side dish. I store some thai peppers...
Parsnips are one of the vegetables I think I ought to like; they are a locally grown vegetable, available all winter after all. But I never managed to...
Fresh asparagus spears are dipped in a seasoned wine-batter and fried until crispy and golden brown. This is a perfect recipe to disguise vegetables for...
Easy quick and extremely simple. These are done just in aluminum pouches so clean-up is 5 seconds. Some tangy balsamic, sweet honey, salt, pepper and fresh...
This wonderful dish is definitely company worthy and was found on the Kraft Foods website. It is a very colorful dish that makes a great presentation for...
"The lemony flavor of the aioli really pops on grilled new potatoes. When shopping for your produce, look for the smallest potatoes you can find. The smaller...
This simple way to cook carrots is one of the most popular vegetable dishes we make at work. The smell and taste is great with the addition of the sesame...
This is a delight to serve hot from the grill. Marinades about a pound of haddock and assorted veggies. Be sure to soak skewers for several hours if using...
This delicious cabbage recipe is simple to prepare and is usually readily accepted by everyone except the true die-hard cabbage haters. The milk and cheese...
Want something that is great for every night but is amazing for dinner parties, holidays or a special event but very very easy. A few slices of prosciutto...
I make this for every special occasion.. very easy,can be made a day or two ahead. You can use any kind of bottled salad dressing,although Greek,Balsamic,and...
A quick different way with carrots. You can use other herbs if you like in place of the basil. I have used both fresh garlic and crushed from a jar with...