This stewed okra is an amazingly delicious Southern/soul food dish that is also a family favorite! An easy vegan/vegetarian option! Serve with rice, as...
This is a recipe that can be used as an appetizer or main meal. And you can use any size tomatoes you want. Just make sure they are firm. If you use roma...
Spaghetti squash mixed with fire-roasted tomatoes and leftover cut up vegetables makes an easy and tasty side or main dish! Use cooked asparagus or any...
This is a recipe I have grown up eating. It is like a staple in our country and while there must be many versions out there - this is my simple and tasty...
This is a truly beautiful soup for serving ice-cold during the summer and it's particularly refreshing if we're lucky enough to have hot weather. However,...
Enjoy this Indian recipe for rajma (red kidney beans) with jeera (cumin) rice. You can spice this up according to your taste! If you have an Indian grocery...
Tapenade, that strong gutsy pâté of minced olives, is converted into something more elegant and aristocratic if you replace half the amount of olives...
Absolutely worth the effort of preparation. The chicken tasted so delicious and packed with flavor. No need to order take-out from now on. This homemade...
Made this cabbage and bean soup for dinner last night. Loved the soup, it was flavorful, tasty and very light. Browning all the veggies in the pot was...