This recipe is a favorite of all my friends. Whenever they come over, they want to leave with a jar. Therefore, when I make it I can 14 GALLONS each time....
This recipe is a favorite of all my friends. Whenever they come over, they want to leave with a jar. Therefore, when I make it I can 14 GALLONS each time....
This is a Texas recipe I've developed and refined over many years. It's very fast, easy, and I usually have everything on hand. I often give it as gifts...
This quick and easy salsa can be made in just a few minutes with a food processor. Green onions instead of white onions give it a nice, mellow flavor to...
A refreshing, spicy salsa recipe with tomatoes, jalapeños, onion, and cilantro. Jalapeño peppers vary in heat, so it is important to taste the salsa...
Quick and easy pico de gallo that is a great appetizer or addition to dinner. Huge hit in my house! For more intense flavor, chill for up to 3 hours before...
I created this recipe after visiting a local Mexican restaurant I frequent and I picked through the dish to discover the ingredients. I decided I could...
This quick and easy salsa can be made in just a few minutes with a food processor. Green onions instead of white onions give it a nice, mellow flavor to...
This is a simple salsa recipe I learned from my brother-in-law who worked at an authentic Mexican restaurant. Boiling the jalapeno peppers is the magic...
This salsa is a staple at our house. There's nothing better to serve as a dip for tortilla chips or as a condiment for your favorite Mexican food. Include...
This salsa is a staple at our house. There's nothing better to serve as a dip for tortilla chips or as a condiment for your favorite Mexican food. Include...
This salsa is a staple at our house. There's nothing better to serve as a dip for tortilla chips or as a condiment for your favorite Mexican food. Include...
This is a mix between salsa and bruschetta, it's always a hit at parties and picnics. I made this up for my family, 1/2 of them love Italian food and the...
As a recipe made for using your garden-fresh vegetables, this canning recipe makes a fabulous salsa. Use this salsa in place of RO*TEL® for a cheese dip...
Pebre is a Chilean salsa and is most commonly used on bread. It is also used on meats or anything else you desire. My favorite way to use it is on barbecued...
My ex's mom had the best hand-chopped salsa fresca I have ever tasted back in college. Over the years, I have tweaked it to something my friends and family...
This is a recipe I made up because I really wanted some salsa and tortillas; however, I was out of salsa. Tomato and celery along with some other ingredients...
No cooking, no cans. All fresh ingredients and flavor no one will be able to walk away from! Sweet onion and fresh lime juice make all the difference in...
This is a simple salsa recipe I learned from my brother-in-law who worked at an authentic Mexican restaurant. Boiling the jalapeno peppers is the magic...
Cilantro lovers rejoice! A salsa that can be modified to suit your desired spiciness! This salsa has Asian, Spanish and Middle Eastern elements. Serve...
This recipe for canning salsa makes great use of fresh garden tomatoes and bell peppers. Try your hand at canning salsa with this big-batch recipe that...
I came up with this topping/side dish while trying to figure out how I could get the only two vegetables my husband eats into one dish. It's great over...
It has taken me years to perfect this recipe. Los Cucos is my favorite TexMex restaurant in Houston, and I used to eat there every 2 weeks, just so I would...
This is an easy recipe for salsa made in a blender. It is a staple at my house (and everyone I know's houses, too). Remember you can always add to taste....
This is an easy recipe for salsa made in a blender. It is a staple at my house (and everyone I know's houses, too). Remember you can always add to taste....
This is a Texas recipe I've developed and refined over many years. It's very fast, easy, and I usually have everything on hand. I often give it as gifts...
This is a Texas recipe I've developed and refined over many years. It's very fast, easy, and I usually have everything on hand. I often give it as gifts...
This is an easy recipe for salsa made in a blender. It is a staple at my house (and everyone I know's houses, too). Remember you can always add to taste....
When fresh tomatoes from my garden start ripening faster than I can eat them fresh, I make this salsa. I modified the recipe to match my taste for sweet...
This is an easy recipe for salsa made in a blender. It is a staple at my house (and everyone I know's houses, too). Remember you can always add to taste....
This is a special salsa that you can serve with Mexican tacos, fajitas, chicken or over eggs. I am from Mexico and we love it !!!. Viva Mexico! Leave the...
A tangy fresh Colombian-style salsa which can be made delicious either mild or XXX hot! Goes great with grilled meats, empanadas, and tostones, but I put...
When fresh tomatoes from my garden start ripening faster than I can eat them fresh, I make this salsa. I modified the recipe to match my taste for sweet...
When fresh tomatoes from my garden start ripening faster than I can eat them fresh, I make this salsa. I modified the recipe to match my taste for sweet...
This delicious salsa dip is easy to make and blends the distinctive flavors of tarragon vinegar, green chile peppers and black olives in a zesty tomato...