Marinate tofu in a mix of rice vinegar, peanut butter, ketchup, garlic, and soy sauce, and discover that tofu really can be tasty! I've tried this recipe...
Flavorful tofu, perfect for summer grilling. This is my absolute favorite way to eat tofu. The marinade is delicious and extremely flavorful. Serve with...
Treat yourself to a steak dinner for one, using tofu instead of meat. This recipe is more method than ingredients, so change up the seasoning to your liking....
These crispy tofu bites are great as a snack, a topping for a salad, or added to a stir-fry. You may have to cook these in two batches, depending on the...
Packaged baked tofu is tasty and not all that expensive, but homemade baked tofu is even better. The trick to this chewy, savory transformation of bland...
Salade Niçoise is a beautifully composed salad of French origin that looks fancy but is incredibly easy to make. The traditional version is often made...
This is a great substitute for any recipe which calls for cooked, diced, or chopped chicken meat. Freezing tofu gives it a meat-like texture. The process...
Set aside store-bought faux turkey roasts and place this stunner on your holiday table instead. The vegan loaf is packed with tons of flavor, thanks to...
Whenever you're cooking tofu, here's one of our no-fail techniques: Draining the tofu, then squeezing out as much water as possible (without smashing it),...
This fermented-soybean stew is the quintessential representation of Korean jang. The soft tofu, the dashi, and the sweetness of the vegetables work together...
This recipe is adapted from a local tofu maker that frequents neighborhood farmers markets. It's vegetarian and vegan friendly and tastes great - even...
This delightful, guilt-free dessert can be whipped together in just 5 minutes. It's suitable for everyone, vegans and chocoholics alike! The banana and...
This meatloaf has a lot of flavor and is very satisfying if you are craving protein. My husband and I, both vegetarians, made this for my brother, a hunter...