I had never heard of this until a friend of mine asked me to try some of the food she was making for a birthday party. I was absolutely shocked at the...
The oat topping channels granola with olive oil, almonds, and maple syrup, while the filling is barely sweetened, instead taking advantage of in-season...
The dressing for this salad is different than others in that it contains no oil, only mayo. Light mayo and Splenda may be substituted. From my local newspaper...
This recipe is served at Wunsche Bros. Cafe in Old Town Spring and was printed in Texas Ties, a Junior League cookbook of North Harris County. If you go...
This soup is so easy to make and refreshing on a hot summer's day. We enjoyed it when visiting Walt Disney World and I was lucky enough to find the recipe....
A fabulous recipe for a soft set strawberry jam, or rather a strawberry conserve, where most of the fruit remains whole and is suspended in a delicious...
This recipe is so simple, it's almost not a recipe. But I absolutely LOVE it!! It's perfect as a refreshing side dish to any BBQ or summer meal. It's also...
The Penzey's catalog just arrived and included this recipe. The picture looked so inviting with the dip and strawberries layered in a parfait glass. I...
Here's your opportunity to use up berries that are slightly past their prime. This recipe method concentrates the berries' flavors, so the more delicious...
A classic British dessert made of whipped cream, store-bought meringues, and fruit, this recipe is as easy to make as it is impressive. The meringues will...
Frozen strawberries and watermelon take a spin in the blender with cream, yogurt, and orange juice for a sensational summer smoothie! Serve with a slice...
I got myself a new popsicle maker and put together an easy recipe for some delicious popsicles. With the heat wave we are having, these ought to be just...