You'll fall for our vegan mushroom barley soup! Soy sauce, balsamic, a mix of dried and fresh mushrooms, and spinach lend a modern take to this classic...
The healthy chicken soup that will make you feel better in an instant. Meet our amazing Chicken Quinoa Soup that's naturally gluten-free, protein-packed,...
A tempting, warming roasted red pepper and tomato soup, full of flavour, rich in colour and packed with antioxidants. Light, satisfying and quick and easy...
This cream of asparagus soup recipe is the perfect soup for when you are craving something flavorful and creamy. It is rich without being overly heavy...
Top it with your favorite chili toppings such as sour cream, cheese or whatever you like for a healthy meal that can be prepped for the week or frozen...
This Irish stew is a blend of tender meat, carrots and potatoes, all simmered to perfection in a savory and complex beer broth. The perfect comfort food...
This delicious Zupas Wisconsin Cauliflower soup is warm, creamy, cheesy and oh so luscious! Save yourself the hassle of going out and make this hearty...
Caramelized Onion Roasted Garlic Bisque is one of our favorite soups around my house. It's warm and comforting, especially on those cold winter nights....
Brat and beer cheese soup is the finest bowl of creamy comfort food you can imagine. This hearty soup recipe can be on your table in under 30 minutes....
Ready in under 30 minutes, this vegan butter bean soup combines creamy beans with veg and smoky flavours for a dish that's low-fat, high-protein, and...
Rich, hot beer-cheese soup may not sound like ideal summer fare, but this version is made with a warm-weather cookout star-smoky grilled brats-that transform...
Easy Chicken Taco Soup is full of flavourful and like your favourite chicken tacos but in soup form. Its hearty, healthy and this stovetop version is incredibly...
This luscious, nourishing tomato soup with pasta is so comforting and requires only basic pantry staples. It's incredibly simple to make, yet rich and...
This Mexican chicken soup is tender chunks of chicken with vegetables, chiles and potatoes, all in a savory tomato broth. A great way to warm up on a cold...