This easy black bean soup recipe is creamy, comforting, healthy, and delicious! If you have any leftovers, store them in the fridge for up to 4 days, or...
This hot and spicy sausage and lentil soup is the perfect comfort food for chilly days. Freezer friendly, kid friendly, perfect for a big crowd with a...
This Detox Soup is loaded with fiber and anti-inflammatory ingredients that may help reduce bloating and streamline your digestion. I love how comforting...
This paleo butternut squash soup recipe is so comforting for fall and winter! Creamy low carb butternut squash soup with coconut milk is dairy-free, nut-free...
This Buffalo Chicken Wing Soup tastes just like buffalo chicken wings but in a creamy delicious soup. Bold flavors, easy to whip up, it will blow your...
This easy and satisfying Slow Cooker Turkey Soup lets you use up your leftover turkey while providing a welcome and delicious departure from "leftover...
Sopa de Fideo or Mexican Noodle Soup is a delicious soup made with simple ingredients. With just a few ingredients you will have a hyper yummy soup in...
Traditional Mexican pozole (posole) is a rich, brothy soup made with pork, hominy, and red chiles. Pile your bowl with toppings like shredded cabbage,...
Slow cooker Pasta e Fagioli soup is a rich and hearty Italian soup loaded with pasta, vegetables, beans, and lean ground beef. It's hearty, comforting,...
This quick and easy Crab Bisque can be on your table (or in your mouth!) in under 30 minutes! This isn't a thin Crab Bisque, crab is the star here, with...
This island favourite builds on the flavour and texture of pumpkin, tender beef, and delicious dumplings. Filled with hearty ground provisions such as...
Easy Lentil Potato Soup Recipe - quick and simple to make, chunky, hearty and comforting meal, perfect for the cold weather. Nutritious lentils, rich in...
Bringing you this creamy, rich Sausage, Kale, and White Bean Soup! Herby Italian sausage, kale, smoky paprika, creamy beans and potatoes, and a splash...
Green borscht is the green counterpart to the popular Ukrainian beetroot borscht. It uses fresh tangy sorrel instead of the earthy beetroot for a popular...
This easy homemade chicken noodle soup recipe is cozy, satisfying, and made from scratch with simple everyday ingredients. It has just 10 minutes of prep...
This slow cooker split pea and ham soup is a fantastic soup for the winter. It's completely homemade, and the result shows as it's packed with flavor and...
This healthy chili recipe features butternut squash and beef as the main ingredients. The chili is gluten-free, packed with veggies, and rich in fiber...
Black bean soup is a very hearty soup, super high in fiber, and so inexpensive to make. It's perfect topped with low fat sour cream and fresh chopped herbs...
This sweet and savory soup gets its tang from just a touch of cider vinegar and its sweetness from brown sugar. It's a perfect light meal when paired with...
Tom Yum soup is the most famous Thai soup in the world for a reason. Although it looks deceptively unpretentious, it is packed with a bold, citrusy and...
Reminiscent of Panera Bread's broccoli cheddar soup this slow cooker version has chopped broccoli, shredded carrots and celery simmered in a velvety smooth...
Hearty barley is a budget-friendly whole grain that provides healthy fiber and protein. It pairs with seasonal winter vegetables and simple Irish flavors...