This vegetable soup recipe is seriously so good! It's easy to make, and full of veggies and fresh flavor. If you're feeing under the weather or just wanting...
These easy Italian soup recipes are the perfect way to warm up! From gnocchi to minestrone to pasta fagioli, get a taste of Italy with these authentic...
Literally the BEST chicken noodle soup, this has thick chicken chunks, sliced carrots, and celery, wide noodles. It soaks in a smooth chicken broth filled...
Thick and creamy Clam Chowder is one of my favorite easy soup recipes, and this one has all the traditional elements we love, like diced potatoes, veggies...
Also known as 'Kartoffelsuppe', this delectable potato soup gives you deliciously-creamy comfort in every bowl! It's one of the most popular soup in Germany...
If you ever thought that beans are boring, this creamy flavor-packed white bean soup will blow your mind! This is a simple, vegan and budget-friendly recipe...
Warm up with this vegetarian minestrone soup! This classic minestrone soup recipe is healthy, easy to make, and tastes incredible. It's vegan, too, if...
Try this vegan Mediterranean White Bean Soup for lunch or dinner. It's a quick gluten free soup recipe that's filled with vegetables and plant-based...
Easy roasted tomato soup served with a simple, extra-cheesy grilled cheese sandwich is comfort food personified. Served with a swirl of cream and fresh...
This creamy red lentil soup, prepared Greek-style, will surprise your taste buds in the best way possible! Red lentils, combined with onions, garlic, and...
Broccoli-cheese soup is my life. There's something about it that triggers a happy, peaceful memory. That's why I'm sharing my easy broccoli cheese soup...
A hearty, creamy soup made using leftover Christmas ham (or store bought leg ham). Refer to Note 5 for a shortcut way of making this soup which will let...
Crock Pot Beef Stew is the ultimate comfort food. Tender chunks of beef with potatoes and carrots in a thick, hearty gravy makes for a nourishing meal...
This healthy black bean soup recipe is easy to make with canned beans. Thanks to some basic aromatics and Cuban spices, it's incredibly flavorful and delicious....
This chowder is thin and brothy, not thick and creamy. Other than that it is a recipe that goes back in my family probably a century or more. It is easy...
This creamy zucchini soup is the BEST way to use up garden zucchini with no need for a roux to make it nice and thick! Simply blend seasoned zucchini with...
This Vegan Black Bean Chili takes just 15 minutes to make and is filled with all your favorite flavors along with black beans and split red lentils. It's...
Coconut Curried Cauliflower Soup is as healthy as it is delicious. It is made with roasted cauliflower, Thai-flavors, and coconut milk so it is creamy...
Cooking Chat's Best Portuguese Kale Soup is a delicious way to enjoy healthy kale! Sausage, beans and potatoes simmer along with the kale and plenty of...
Warm up with this rich and indulgent soup. Our Cheesy Potato Soup with Bacon feeds a crowd, freezes well, and it comes together in a single Dutch oven....
This is a scrumptious, simple beef stew recipe that's perfect for warming your soul after a long week of feeding cattle. Here's how to make Beef Stew with...