This is a wonderful dinner that my mom and I came up with while trying to cook a seafood supper for the men. This meal is very delish and warming of the...
Chicken over roasted zucchini with a creamy cilantro sauce is a delicious dinner idea. The lime really brings everything together. A light pasta toss is...
Chicken breasts browned and simmered in a very berry sauce. Here is a great substitute for a full course holiday dinner. It can also be a comforting dish...
Since food for air travel needs to be prepared far in advance, airlines back in the day created a special cut of chicken breast that wouldn't dry out as...
Using mozzarella cheese, chicken broth, garlic and onion, this is a variation of Chicken Parmesan created for my son, who doesn't like the standard version....
A savory combination of chicken, sweet potato, and spinach is seasoned with sage, sweetened with pear, given a splash of whiskey for a kick, and topped...
A great new twist on sweet and sour chicken. This recipe is quick enough to prepare any night of the week and easily doubled or halved. Try adding sliced...
This is a French chicken dish cooked with vegetables, herbs and burgundy wine that is absolutely marvelous. I make it for special occasions and am always...
This recipe was made as a special entree for the Santa Barbara Polo and Racquet Club. The recipe is in general terms, so if you have cooked before, it's...
This Best Southern Fried Chicken Batter is my favorite thing to make when it comes to frying chicken! It's very easy to prepare! The result was outstanding!...
Chicken breasts simmered with red sauce, peppers, mushrooms, black olives and alfredo sauce and served over hot cooked rigatoni pasta. Get rigged with...
This simple dish is very low fat, but so tasty your family will ask for it again and again. Serve it over fettuccini or egg noodles as a easy meal. I've...
This is a superb, easy dish. The slight sweetness of the bourbon mixes deliciously with the garlic and onion. Serve with rice, if desired. The sauce goes...
These chicken breasts are fast, easy, and delicious. By 'pan-roasting,' you can easily monitor the internal temp. Leaving the skin on adds a lot of flavor...
These are the plumpest, juiciest chicken breasts ever! You can change the recipe by changing the sauces (for example, add fruit jams or jellies, or hot...
A quick and unique taste, especially for those beer lovers. Chicken breasts marinated in beer, then sauteed with butter, beer and mushrooms! Best served...
Tonight, I was desperate to use up the chicken and fresh spinach in my fridge. I didn't have much energy or time and I couldn't find anything I wanted...
The braising of chicken and the added tomatoes keeps it moist and delicious! Everyone will love this dish! The key is the cast iron skillet. Any cast iron...