Chicken over roasted zucchini with a creamy cilantro sauce is a delicious dinner idea. The lime really brings everything together. A light pasta toss is...
Chicken breasts in a thyme cream sauce. Serve over bow tie pasta or wide egg noodles. The recipe lists red wine, but you can also use white - either one...
Deep-frying fresh basil in olive oil really brings out its flavor! The chicken is simmered in white wine with thyme, bay leaves, and sweet grape tomatoes....
Deep-frying fresh basil in olive oil really brings out its flavor! The chicken is simmered in white wine with thyme, bay leaves, and sweet grape tomatoes....
Chicken over roasted zucchini with a creamy cilantro sauce is a delicious dinner idea. The lime really brings everything together. A light pasta toss is...
Necessity is the mother of invention. This recipe was created by me because I had a 1 1/2 hour commute to/from work. I have two teenage boys who require...
Using mozzarella cheese, chicken broth, garlic and onion, this is a variation of Chicken Parmesan created for my son, who doesn't like the standard version....
A great new twist on sweet and sour chicken. This recipe is quick enough to prepare any night of the week and easily doubled or halved. Try adding sliced...
A very flavorful, chicken dish that my friends rave about. Serve over halved baked potatoes, using the sauce as a gravy for the potato and the chicken....
Created this recipe as a way to use leftover chicken and make a quick healthy dinner and it was a huge hit, even with my picky eaters! Can be served as-is...
Created this recipe as a way to use leftover chicken and make a quick healthy dinner and it was a huge hit, even with my picky eaters! Can be served as-is...
Created this recipe as a way to use leftover chicken and make a quick healthy dinner and it was a huge hit, even with my picky eaters! Can be served as-is...
Created this recipe as a way to use leftover chicken and make a quick healthy dinner and it was a huge hit, even with my picky eaters! Can be served as-is...
Chicken breasts adorned with a fresh rosemary rub, then sauteed and braised in a sauce of orange juice, white wine and maple syrup. This wonderfully rich...