Here's what you need: sweet potato, kosher salt, unsalted butter, milk, large eggs, raw sweet potatoes, brown sugar, cinnamon, ground nutmeg, vanilla extract,...
The secret to incredibly delicious green beans with minimal work? Chicken stock! Steamed in good-quality stock, the green beans will soak up all of the...
Matt's mom, Laura, shows him how to make their family's most cherished recipe: latkes. She teaches him that just 4 simple ingredients can transform into...
Whether you're lactose intolerant or just looking to cut back on dairy, this creamy, dreamy mac stands up to the real thing. Made with velvety cashew milk...
One appliance, four snacks! There's almost nothing the air fryer can't crisp up--from chicken wings and tortilla chips to sweet potato chips and onion...
These spuds really are a phenomenon. They look dark and gnarly, and they're beautiful yet kind of charmingly ugly at the same time. The volume of balsamic...
Crispy Garlic Butter Parmesan Smashed Potatoes are fluffy on the inside and crispy on the outside, smothered in garlic butter and melted parmesan cheese!...
Here's what you need: small red potato, fine sea salt, mayonnaise, lemon, dijon mustard, red onion, hard-boiled eggs, smoked paprika, freshly ground black...
If you use lovely fresh leaves and dress them properly, even the most basic salad like this one will taste absolutely amazing. The combination of oil and...
Here's what you need: extra virgin olive oil, garlic powder, italian seasoning, all purpose flour, refrigerated pizza dough, pepperoni slices, grated parmesan...
Here's what you need: extra virgin olive oil, garlic, medium yellow onion, sweet potato, fine sea salt, freshly ground black pepper, spinach, creamed corn,...
The vibrant colours, flavours and textures in this salad are sensational! A great holiday salad or for special occasions. Serves 3 as meal or 5 - 6 as...
Recipe video above. A traditional Indonesian fried rice recipe which is often served with a fried egg for a protein boost to make it a meal, but I usually...
This focaccia is not fussy. It's the kind of thing you can get excited about making on a Saturday afternoon and have great fun playing with the toppings....
Southern green beans are easy to make, tender beans that are flavored with bacon or ham hocks. These green beans are a must-have side dish on every Southern...
The bare bones of this creamed spinach recipe are pretty straightforward and classic: The spinach is cooked low and slow to gradually concentrate its juices....
Recipe video above. With a crispy parmesan garlic crust and extra crunch from breadrumbs, these may well be the BEST brussels sprouts you ever have in...
Recipe video above. Here's how to make garlic bread on the BBQ! A simple method that ensures loads of garlicky buttery goodness, lightly charred bread...
Coleslaw is something most of us have grown up eating, yet a lot of the time it must have been made so badly! With this in mind, I want to bring it back...