Don't take the word deviled lightly! These prawns are cooked in a super spicy sauce made with ketchup and chipotle chiles in adobo. Serve with white rice...
This is Authentic Mexican Ceviche, I've had it several times in Mexico, and also have learned to cook Mexican food for my husband. Every time I make this...
This is a healthy, hearty, yet elegant recipe that is good enough for guests. It is also very easy and can be made with little notice. With low-carb pasta...
Avocado halves are filled with a delicious mixture of shrimp, crab, and cucumber. A wonderful beginning to a light lunch, or a great appetizer for an elegant...
This simple marinade for shrimp is guaranteed to please. Passed down by my mother-in-law, it's without a doubt one of her greatest contributions to humankind....
I've been tinkering with scampi recipes for a while and was never quite satisfied until the other night when I created this one. Everyone raved and said...
Quick, easy, and impressive! Cooked shrimp and other colorful munchies are displayed on a Christmas tree created with beet greens wrapped around a cone...
This was given to me by my friend, Elaine. It is one of the most delicious shrimp recipes for the BBQ I have ever had, and it is so easy. My son would...
I created this one night out of hunger, a craving for Hatch green chile, and having only a few items in the fridge. The unexpected combination of flavors...
Air Fryer Bang Bang Shrimp is amazing. These shrimp almost taste better than the restaurant. The sauce is amazing and would go great on anything. My son...
This dish is simple, tasty, and-best of all-fast. I've made it with both peeled and unpeeled shrimp. Unpeeled was definitely messier to eat, but I think...
This is easily one of my favorite low-carb dishes that Matt makes at home (I made him write it down). Try it, and let me know how it turned out. It should...
Here is an easy recipe for that New Orleans favorite: shrimp in a spicy red gravy. If you already have stock on hand, its a very quick, easy meal with...
Created for my daughter's 30th birthday and now the birthday special in the family. An intensely flavored reduction sauce with fresh parsley and lots of...