The secret to making a great chopped salad is to cut the ingredients into chunks that are all the same size and to include contrasting textures. Instead...
With this recipe, you make the main dish and the side dish all in one pan. For the butter sauce, an equal amount of water can be substituted for the dry...
Lobster may be considered a delicacy, but it's a cinch to prepare. When you visit the fish market, don't be surprised at the crustacean's black or bluish-brown...
Arctic char can be substituted for brook trout, Tasmanian ocean trout, or salmon. To prepare this recipe as seen on "Mad Hungry" TV, simply quadruple the...
Mango multitasks in this quick weeknight meal. Cool slices contrast with just-seared shrimp, and the remaining fruit that clings to the pit makes a sweet-tart...
Delicious warm or at room temperature, this poached salmon only takes 30 minutes and can be made ahead so it's a hit with savvy home entertainers. Try...
When you bake fish and vegetables in parchment, you are steaming them in their own juices. It preserves nutrients and requires little added fat. Serve...
Red onion, lemon, and tarragon come together as a tangy topping for salmon and asparagus. To make this recipe for two, as seen on "The Martha Stewart Show,"...
Roasting is an excellent low-fat cooking technique because very little fat is necessary to carry the flavor of the food. High heat concentrates and seals...
Individual portions are easier to serve at dinnertime than a single large coulibiac, a Russian dish of puff pastry enveloping poached salmon, mushrooms,...
Because fish fillets, unlike dense cuts of meat, cook quickly, the braising liquid is infused with flavor first, as in this dish, which blends tomatoes,...
Shake up the standard fish fry night with this meal. Much easier than deep-frying, strips of firm white fish are coated in panko and baked in the oven...
Served in a beurre rouge, or red-wine butter sauce, this elegant potato-wrapped halibut is worthy of any dinner party. Also Try:Balsamic-Glazed Cipollini...
A Nicoise-inspired main-course salad (tossed with grilled salmon, eight-minute eggs, fresh sugar snap peas, watercress, and boiled new potatoes) is a reliable...
Tuna, cannellini beans, green beans, and red onion are matches made in salad heaven -- toss them in a simple dressing of white-wine vinegar and olive oil...
Use Emeril's homemade Worcestershire sauce in his Beef Tenderloin With Fresh Horseradish And Black-Pepper Crust recipe -- both have been adapted from "Emeril's...
We cooked with wild salmon. Alaskan sockeye has a rich flavor; king is pricier and fattier. If you like, try Tasmanian ocean trout as an alternative. Make...
If you've only ordered shrimp scampi in restaurants, prepare to be shell-shocked-it's actually quite easy to make at home. This recipe, which includes...
Butter is swapped out for coconut oil in this oh-so-simple seafood dish. Make sure your scallops are nice and dry before searing -- this is key to achieving...
Shrimp are a great low-fat protein. Instead of frying them, we bake them at high heat. The cornbread stuffing protects the meat and becomes golden and...