This recipe is similar to fishcakes. It is based on one found in a cook book produced in 1946 by that stalwart of traditional cooking, the Scottish Women's...
These are a great basic muffin that takes any ingredient into the mix to make variations to suit what you have. Very easy but tasty muffin made by a famous...
Stovies is a Scottish dish that has been traditionally used for leftovers. In it's simplest form, stovies are just the "scrapings off the stove" and a...
MacSweens Vegetarian Haggis are available all over the world . This is a MrFalafel original recipe from he newsgroup...
A very simple recipe for delicious smoked salmon. Also works with trout and loch trout. I first found it on, but have modified it...
A recipe for Miller... For those of you who cannot find yeast extract, use soy sauce. Traditionally served with bashet neeps and mashet tatties. Make a...
A delicious way to stretch ground beef. This is a traditional Scottish recipe. It's quick and very easy, and my family loves it with mashed potatoes. The...
Studded with macadamia nuts, dried mango and shredded coconut, these delicious tropical treats are ideal for giving as gifts or enjoying at the end of...
Who says shortbread has to be sweet and only available at Christmas? These little appetizers from Company's Coming Gifts from the Kitchen have the same...
This recipe is different from the others in that it has a special ingredient - Scotch Whiskey AND it includes both chicken and beef! The "Auld Reekie"...
This is a very easy and basic recipe adapted from a traditional Scottish dish. It's ideal for utilizing leftovers or working from a limited kitchen. Use...
This shortbread recipe is exquisite and very subtle. I always get asked for the recipe whenever I make it. I found it in Gerhard Jenne's book on decorating...
I remember my mother making finnan haddie, and I always loved the smoky, creamy taste and texture of this dish. And now I like that it's quick and easy...
Combining two items which formed a staple of Scottish diet over many centuries, herring coated in oatmeal is a classic Scottish dish. In more modern times,...
I grew up eating Campbell's Scotch Broth soup but when I tried it as an adult it was lacking. So I came up with my own version. This is a hearty soup for...
A quick and easy home-made honey recipe from the Auberge in South West France! I use lavender honey so much in my cooking, that I thought it was about...