Have enjoy this dish for years. Don't wait for holidays; I make this recipe 3 or 4 times a year. This turkey and dressiing recipe can be served at receptions...
Growing up in Iowa, Guinea Grinders were a staple. When I moved west folks thought I was talking about a fuzzy little animal. But once they ate one they...
Another great selection from the Metabolic Cookbook. Bacon and cream cheese...what?!? The recipe is for one serving but you can multiply the ingredients...
These burgers are super flavorful and have the same tenderness and meatloaf. If you like a more firm burger, leave out the milk when making the mix. The...
These ham, apple, and swiss panini are the perfect fall sandwich! Use up leftover ham from the holidays and take advantage of the crisp apples the season...
As far as tuna melts go, this one is pretty amazing. It may be a bit messy, but it's very tasty. The base of the sandwich is sweet Hawaiian bread cut into...
We really enjoyed these scrumptious tea sandwiches. They're slightly salty and creamy from the Bleu cheese spread. The mildly sweet and crisp slices of...
I watched a video of these shrimp burgers on Tube and thought they sounded great. I'm going to make these for dinner today with red cabbage coleslaw. I'll...
This is one delicious sandwich that I concocted when managing the restaurant. It was one of our biggest sellers. I don't make it often enough to suit my...
This sandwich is delicious. I found this recipe in one of my old Taste of Home magazines. This is a crock pot recipe..so delicious! If you want to lighten...
Did you know:This delicious sandwich originated at the Brown Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky in 1926? It's invention is credited to a man named Fred K. Schmidt...
Tastes like summer! Room temperature tomatoes are key here and once the salt and pepper hit them, the juices start flowing. When the juicy tomatoes blend...
For the ultimate Italian-inspired sub sandwich, you've got to try this hot, melty masterpiece. With 5 types of meat, 3 types of cheese, and a fresh, crisp...
This Roasted Vegetable Grilled Cheese Sandwich is the ultimate sandwich made with two kinds of cheese, oven-roasted veggies & golden buttery sourdough...
What a quick, easy, and delicious egg salad recipe. Turn into tea sandwiches for a brunch, put on top of lettuce for an easy lunch, or just enjoy it between...
in Chicago, neighborhood hot dog stand serve a pork chop sandwich that's a little different than expected. First off, it served on a bun at the pork chop...
I love a good tuna sandwich, but sometimes I like a tuna sandwich with a bit of crunch. So, I added some coleslaw to the recipe, a few other bits-and-bobs,...
This is a go to recipe that I use often when having a gathering. I found this recipe years ago in Taste of Home. The sauce makes these sandwiches! The...
Hot Pork Sandwich Dinner ! Yep! That is what I said! This is a meal that is common in the area of the country where I live. It is made with pork, beef,...
As a child I was told that this sandwich was invented by a young society gal in Havana, Cuba. The story goes that one late night after dancing for hours...
I love hot roast-beef sandwiches (think Phili cheese steak); however, I also love a good deli sandwich, made with some great beef, and served cold. You...
This way of making ham sandwiches was very popular when my kids were in high school. You would make up a big batch with left-over holiday ham. They were...
This recipe comes from the north central West Virginia city of Fairmont. Different areas of West Virginia have different hot dog sauces depending on the...
This easy cucumber sandwich recipe is a dainty appetizer to serve at an English tea party, Easter brunch or bridal shower. Thinly sliced cucumbers, cream...
This AMAZING step-by-step meatball Banh Mi recipe with pickled carrot and daikon, Sriracha mayo, cilantro, and jalapeno will surprise and delight your...
Talk about FAST FOOD!!! I made this again tonight (5-10-2011). It is an old standby recipe I made up many years ago... and it is ALWAYS a BIG HIT!!! We...
Fresh cantaloupe and corn star in these meal-worthy toasts. They are mixed with spicy salami to complement their sweetness. You can use any cured meat...
There is no where else in the States to find this particular sandwich recipe, and it is one that I have craved for 38 years since I left Indiana to join...
Oh my, these are so yummy! The sesame ginger marinade really gave this chicken great flavor. We made sure to add it to the chicken while cooking like Paula...
The original Chipotle Chicken Panini Sandwich, like the one Panera Bread, used to grill before it got discontinued. Pull out your panini press and layer...