This is a pico de gallo recipe that will have everyone asking 'how did you make this?' They will be surprised when you tell them the ingredients include...
This is a fresh and unusual salsa. Use it as an appetizer or on grilled meats. The fennel has a surprisingly light flavour. Perfect for summer. Serve with...
This delicious salsa is very easy to make and you can add or take out spices and herbs to your taste. This is a fun recipe for kids to make and experiment...
An antioxidant powerhouse that tastes incredible. The contrast between the sweet wild blueberries and tartness of the onions, peppers and tomatoes, makes...
This is a delightfully fresh salsa with a slight kick, that is super tasty with jerk chicken, grilled seafood, quesadillas or warm corn chips (especially...
This salsa recipe uses an unusual combination of ingredients - melons, onions, jalapenos, etc. It's a wonderful item to serve at parties as a dip with...
Seriously yummy and sweet salsa. Combine with chips, chicken, etc. for a great snack or meal. I was looking for a recipe for mango salsa, and the options...
Refreshing Mexican-style green sauce to put on tacos, enchiladas, or anything else you desire. A light, refreshing, and hot sauce that is perfect for summer...
Tart pomegranate seeds add a delicious crunch to this salsa that also features sweet mandarin oranges, red onions, jalapenos and cilantro. Great served...
My sister made the original version of this recipe, but I tweaked it to make it my own. It is very easy to prepare and makes a delicious and pretty addition...
A crunchy salsa comes together with diced mango, apple, cucumber, and yellow bell pepper. Toss with lime and orange juice, cilantro, and jalapeno for a...
A super-flavorful salsa inspired by the great taquerias in Bucktown and Wicker park, in Chicago. Restaurant-style tomatillo salsa, a good change of pace...
Nothing beats fresh salsa in a blender when tomatoes are in season but when they are not, you've got to go with plan B. Out-of-season, pink, mealy tomatoes...
Mild onion, kiwi, banana and orange are spiced with a chopped pepper in this refreshing summer salsa. Try it with chips, or as a side to grilled meats...
It may sound strange, but this fruity summer salsa is really good, and quite beautifully colored! I was hoping to make peach salsa one night and was improvising...
This charred corn salsa came about when I wanted to make use of some leftover ingredients after making a Mexican dish the night before. Broiling a few...
Terrific fruit salsa mix. Be sure to seed the tomatoes, otherwise it will be too watery. There is never anything left of seems to appeal to all...
This cool, refreshing salsa is a wonderful summertime treat. Peaches and orange marmalade blend perfectly with green onions and cider vinegar. The salsa...
This delicious salsa dip is easy to make and blends the distinctive flavors of tarragon vinegar, green chile peppers and black olives in a zesty tomato...
The plums absorb the full-bodied spiciness of the salsa to give it a light, smoky-sweet flavor. Perfect as a side or snack on a hot summer day or as an...
No cooking, no cans. All fresh ingredients and flavor no one will be able to walk away from! Sweet onion and fresh lime juice make all the difference in...
This cauliflower version of the authentic Mexican ceviche is the best I've tried! It has great flavor and it's full of vegetables! I prefer to serve it...
This simple restaurant-style salsa is made with vegetables that are first roasted in your air fryer. Roasting adds an extra depth of flavor, while mellowing...
This is not a super-quick recipe - this is a 'slow down and enjoy making a great, smoky salsa your family and friends will love' recipe. But the pico de...
Looking for a new recipe to add to your list of favourite go-to dips? Try our quick-and-easy Peachy Avocado Salsa. Chopped fresh peaches add the perfect...