Chef Lucas Sin of Junzi taught us this technique for fried rice in which every single grain is coated in egg yolk and fries up perfectly distinct and chewy....
This is honestly the best salmon you will ever taste! Lemony dill salmon fillets steamed to perfection in tin foil pouches accompanied by homemade tartar...
This salmon gets marinated in a maple and jalapeno sauce, then gets topped with additional maple syrup during baking, for a perfect spicy-sweet marriage...
Salmon is a great source of both omega 3, which helps to keep our hearts healthy, and vitamin D that helps to make our bones and teeth strong. Panfrying...
A few ingredients from your pantry and fridge are all you need to whip up an impressive salmon cake that can be served with salads or placed atop a toasted...
This simple and delicious poached salmon is on your plate in only 15 minutes. Deceptively fancy, it's the perfect option for solo dining or when you're...
This dish is fairly easy to make, yet it is elegant, tasty, and very nutritious! You may want more or less salad with it. It may be served with quinoa...