This quick and easy salmon recipe has only three ingredients: salmon, orange juice, and fresh dill. I learned this recipe from my mother, and it is one...
This salmon recipe which was given by my mother is out of this world. Even my husband who hates salmon will eat this. This marinade is also very good on...
This baked salmon preparation is an appealing low calorie main dish. Seasoned with brown sugar, cilantro and lemon-pepper, and paired with white rice flavored...
Full of flavor with a hint of sweetness, this moist and delicious salmon is ready in under 10 minutes! You may want to add salt before serving if you are...
I came up with this recipe for my Husband's boss who can not get enough heat or garlic in his food. He still requests this dish often, according to this...
My inspiration for this splendid recipe came from a dish on the menu at Longhorn® Steakhouse. I've guessed how it's made and decided to add strawberries...
Entertaining guests and want to show off your talents as a chef? This homemade Dijon sauce for salmon makes the perfect dish! It's light and bursting with...
This salmon glaze recipe makes the most delicious salmon. It's easy to prepare and very refreshing. Everyone that eats this dish loves it. I made this...
This quick and easy salmon recipe has only three ingredients: salmon, orange juice, and fresh dill. I learned this recipe from my mother, and it is one...
Fresh salmon needs very little preparation. These salmon fillets are cooked in good, sweet butter and minced garlic, and then sprinkled with a little lemon...
You are really going to love this exciting and vibrant new way to use salmon. It's dressed up with an easy and summery relish. Did I mention there will...
This is a delicious, creative way to serve salmon. You can serve the salmon on a bed of cooked noodles (I enjoy fettuccine) or on its own with a side of...
I made up this recipe with some summer fruit that I had on hand. I wanted something to go with some nice fresh salmon that I was planning to cook on the...
I came up with this recipe for my Husband's boss who can not get enough heat or garlic in his food. He still requests this dish often, according to this...
I was inspired by the locavore in me since the cherries were in season and I wanted to make something other than pie. If you are feeding hearty eaters,...
I made up this recipe with some summer fruit that I had on hand. I wanted something to go with some nice fresh salmon that I was planning to cook on the...
This baked salmon preparation is an appealing low calorie main dish. Seasoned with brown sugar, cilantro and lemon-pepper, and paired with white rice flavored...
I live in Alaska and have 3 sons that love to fish. I have had to come up with some pretty creative ways to prepare salmon, this is by far my family and...
This salmon recipe which was given by my mother is out of this world. Even my husband who hates salmon will eat this. This marinade is also very good on...
Salmon did planking before it was a thing! Cedar keeps the fish from getting burned or blackened and infuses it with delectably earthy flavor. Brush with...
I am a salmon lover. This is a great recipe for a slightly exotic flavor of Indian inspiration with a maple twist. The flavor is exceptional, delicious,...
I live in Alaska and have 3 sons that love to fish. I have had to come up with some pretty creative ways to prepare salmon, this is by far my family and...
Salmon did planking before it was a thing! In this cedar-plank salmon with brown sugar recipe, cedar keeps the fish from getting burned or blackened and...