The bitter leaves in this Frisee Salad with Hard-Cooked Eggs pair well with the shallot-mustard vinaigrette. It's a delicious breakfast or brunch recipe...
A salad of peppery frisee (from the endive and chicory families) and baby spinach makes a perfect side dish for lunch or dinner. The addition of fresh...
Everyone will love the combination of flavors and textures in this vegan quinoa salad: garlicky sauteed zucchini, delicate scallions, crunchy roasted pistachios,...
An inspired way to use up leftover rice! The grains are amped up with grated zucchini, Parmesan, lemon zest, and fresh mint before being fried into a golden...
This salad combines crisp chicory with slices of oven-roasted acorn squash. A kiss of maple syrup draws out the natural sweetness of the squash. An aromatic...
Frisee (another name for curly endive) is a salad green with crisp feathery leaves that range in color from light green to yellow white. It has a slightly...
A chef's salad is so named because it is supposed to be an innovative way of using whatever you happen to have handy to create a main-course salad. Ham,...
Quinoa cooks up light and fluffy in minutes (it's done when the telltale curlicue wisp unfurls). This Quick Five-Grain Salad's subtle flavor comes through...
Skip the mayo without sacrificing creaminess with this twist on potato salad, featuring green beans and ricotta. It'll be everyone's new favorite picnic...
Baked Greek Salad, a warm and inviting Greek vegetable side dish, combines the best Greek veggies like onions, olives and peppers with a delicious and...
In this crunchy superfood slaw, protein-rich yogurt lends a low-fat creaminess to the dressing that coats the chopped blend of kale, cabbage, carrots,...
This fresh spring salad is loaded with healthy fava beans (a good source of dietary fiber and protein), baby turnips (for vitamin C), and pea shoots (for...
So many broccoli recipes call for only florets, but the oft-overlooked stalks are just as delicious -- and good for you! Highlight them in a simple raw...
This salad originated in Tuscany as a tasty way to use the last scraps of stale bread. In this updated version, day-old bread is toasted -- rather than...
Try this savory fennel salad from chef Alain Allegretti of Allegretti restaurant for a healthy and delicious side dish. Serve with Trouchia, a classic...
Delicious, fresh tomatoes transform this pasta salad into a tasty feast. Although the red, yellow, and green tomatoes make for a beautiful presentation,...