If you're a huge Caesar salad fan like I am, you may have had trouble finding a plant-based dressing that compared to the creamy, garlicky, dairy-based...
I whipped this up on the fly to toss with a salad of field greens and sliced peaches. Easy, light, and fruity. One batch makes enough for one big salad...
A delicious Ukrainian beet salad! Great with meat and poultry dishes (especially Chicken Kyiv) with a side of mashed potatoes! The preparation takes some...
The two most important ingredients for this or any vinaigrette are the olive oil and the vinegar. For the oil try using cold pressed, extra virgin, and...
This is a deliciously light and fresh-tasting twist on cucumber tomato salad. It takes me to the water's edge, and begs to be served with fresh seafood....
This is an awesome French dressing! It's great with soft greens like spinach. This salad dressing will keep for weeks but it never lasts that long in my...
This is an awesome, simple recipe, can be used as a vegetable dip, salad dressing, or my husband loves it on Buffalo wings. Best to make and store in the...
This is my take on honey-mustard salad dressing. My husband gives it 5 stars so I thought I would share it with you. Note that I use sweet onion (Walla...
Greek salad dressing has a little too much bite for me, so I added some of the ingredients used in French vinaigrette. This is still fresh and tangy, and...
I devised this recipe after searching the net and trying out recipes until I found a mix I liked. If I show up without this salad at BBQ's, there are usually...
A delicious thick and creamy dressing - great for salads which consist mostly of greens. I also like it on baked potatoes. You can vary the taste by trying...
This roasted bell pepper salad dressing is a Weight Watchers®-friendly salad dressing made with fresh ingredients. Easy to make and the perfect addition...
Awesome family recipe for spinach salad dressing! Best served in a classic spinach salad with hard-boiled eggs and bacon. Note: When pouring dressing,...
Simple and delicious. Came up with this recipe when trying to duplicate a local pizza restaurant's peppercorn ranch dressing that we love. This dressing...
Great salad for lunch or dinner! Spiralizing the beets makes for a quicker cooking time. Use any flavored vinegar of your choice - dark berry or fig vinegar...
This is my own creation of a buttermilk ranch dressing that I have tweaked after finding that most buttermilk ranch dressing recipes lacked the spicy element...
A cheese grater and a wedge of frozen blue cheese is the secret behind a perfect creamy blue cheese dressing. Those larger chunks sink to the bottom and...
Steaming the kale removes some of the bitterness. The salad dressing ties all the flavors together. A quartet of super foods (kale, quinoa, avocado, and...
I didn't have prepared mustard on hand as requested in another recipe, so I substituted a combination of honey mustard and dry mustard. When I found it...