Butter Mochi This chewy snack cake gets its distinctive gelatinous texture from mochiko, a sweet rice flour that's commonly used in Hawaii. Coconut milk...
I got this recipe from one of my friend's Mexican Cookbooks. Another friend tried it first and made a few changes with the amounts and extra spices. And...
Adapted from Not Your Mother's Slow Cooker Recipes for Two. Congee or jook is a staple in China. Instead of making a separate stock, just use a turkey...
Found on ricegourmet.com. I don't know how authentic this recipe is to the rice served in Afghanistan. Furthermore, the directions were incomplete and...
This is a simple rice/noodle dish, but very tasty and easy. The recipe calls for 1/2 cup butter, but I usually use half of that. I have made this so often...
Fried rice that is quick, easy, and very flavorful. This recipe has been requested so many times by my family and friends I finally decided to place it...
This risotto dish is best suited for the end of summer when the tomatoes and corn are at their best. Using milk in the risotto dish gives it a lovely richness...
We like rice stuffing better than bread stuffing with our turkey. I've been making stuffing this way for years by the "eyeball method," but now Cooking...
This is one of those basic side dishes that in and of itself hasn't a lot of spice - but you can jazz it up with just about any spice you want - use your...
A nice simple rice recipe, that will compliment your Creole/Cajun main dish without outstaging it. The goal here is not to absorb all of the liquid into...
This is a really good way to use Jerusalem artichokes without all the fuss of having to peel them first. Many restaurants peel them and then put them into...
This delicious combination of creamy Arborio rice and tasty butternut squash makes a great meatless main dish, or a side dish for your favorite protein....
This salad has a very different taste and looks lovely on a luncheon table. I usually prepare the rice the night before so it is ready to prepare in the...
This looks a bit lengthy but its really not that complicated. This may be one of the greatest things I have ever cooked up. This recipe comes from Isa...
I love mushrooms, which is ironic because when I was a kid my father would take me mushroom hunting. I hated mushrooms so never paid attention to his instructions...
I bought a jar of Kokita brand Nasi Goreng seasoning at the Uwajimaya store in Seattle and it made the best fried rice I had ever eaten. After scraping...
Authentic Cajun flavor! I grew up in Louisiana and love red beans and rice; these are just like I remember. Serve with Tabasco sauce for a little kick....
A very simple tomato-based rice side dish recipe from Turkey. From turkishcookbook.com. A flavorful, freshly picked from the garden, preferably organic...
Try this delicious keto Korean beef with cauliflower rice; it is just so quick and easy to make and will become a family favorite! This makes the perfect...
I love the classic combination of beef, potato, and carrot cooked in a saucy, slightly sweet curry and ladled next to white rice. You can use whatever...
Cooking with Nunzio & Fox's Anthony Gargano on FOX 29's Good Day Philadelphia! Featuring this restaurant favorite, the Osso Buco Milanese Style. Enjoy!...
In the Greek soup known as avgolemono ("ahv-go-LEH-mo-no"), humble ingredients-chicken broth, lemon juice, eggs, a small amount of rice-morph into a light...
To make this fried rice extra crispy, sauté the ingredients separately and use cold, cooked rice. As you're stir-frying, toss the rice, pausing frequently...
Great, easy rice dish with a little different flavor. Goes with just about anything -- especially easy as it bakes. Originally found in a recipe book called...
Create a whole meal at once with our All-in-One Fish Dinner Foil Packs recipe. Prepared with cod, rice, quinoa, tomatoes and fresh green beans, this delicious...