I first made this for one of our backyard BBQ get togethers. I got the recipe in a book called Fare For Friends. There was'nt any left so I assumed everyone...
Inexpensive and easy to make...you can't beat that. Even my pickiest of eaters asks for 2nds. This recipe actually makes enough meat and sauce to freeze...
Mejadra is a fragrant Middle Eastern rice pilaf with crunchy fried onion throughout it. This is slightly adapted from a Yotam Ottolenghi recipe, from his...
Cauliflower rice is a great low-calorie dish to have in your arsenal especially if you are eating low-carb. Super low in carbs, yet such a satisfying dish...
My family loves Mahatma's Saffron Yellow rice, but I don't love the sodium content! This is close enough that my family doesn't know the difference, but...
I had this salad at a summer pot luck picnic. To my delight, it was delicious and has since become one of my favorites. This non traditional salad recipe...
Just love Fried Rice so I tried to create from a restaurant that we go to often. In a pinch you can use canned peas and carrots (drained). You could also...
There is no better use for leftover rice than chahan. A brief trip in a pan resurrects the grains and a few pantry ingredients-little more than eggs, oil,...
This is total veg comfort food...cheese, nuts, rice, and TONS of good veggies. What's not to love? This takes a little bit of time but it is well worth...
Onigiri is a quintessential Japanese food: made by moms for breakfast, lunch boxes, and picnics. It is the ideal handheld food (the nori wrapper keeps...
This punched-up chicken-and-rice dish, made in the Instant Pot, is inspired by mulligatawny soup, with curry spices, creamy coconut milk, bright ginger,...
Recipe video above. The oven baked version of the wildly popular Mushroom Rice! The idea behind this recipe is that the mushrooms act as a "lid" over the...
The BEST rice to go with Mexican food? This Mexican Green Rice! A cilantro rice pilaf cooked in chicken stock with poblano chiles, parsley, cilantro, onion,...
A very simple, cheap, filling side or main dish. I make this in my dorm room, all my friends come running at the smell and are delighted at the taste....
While the nature of brown rice means that this dish will take longer to cook than standard risotto, it is well worth the wait. Feel free to adapt the recipe...
The risotto is made using the traditional slow-stirring method, and finished with freshly ground black pepper and Parmesan cheese. Shiitake mushrooms offer...
This chilled rice pudding pie is adapted from the popular dessert at MeMe's Diner in Brooklyn, NY. A sesame-stick-crumb crust is covered in a thick layer...